4-Beta or Omega

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1 weeks later


It's finally Jungkooks birthday and he'll get to meet his mate.I'm actually very excited to know wether he'd be a top or bottom.Probably bottom considering he's such a cutie and a softie.

Speaking of mates,I haven't seen Jimin in like a week and...I miss him.What!!Shut up Yoongi,you can't miss a bastard like him!!Anyway,I can't believe I have mate like him.He is rude,arrogant,cocky,sexy,hot,so daddy-Yoongi!!

Anyways again,I'm getting ready for Jungkooks party.He invited literally everyone In the school knowing they'd all come and of course to get a better chance at finding his mate.

"Who is it?"I asked. I was in his room getting dressed when I heard a knock.

"It's Jungkook,are you still changing?"His voice sounds muffled cause of the closed door.

"This is your room,why I are you knocking?"I laugh as I fixed my tie.

"Sorry." He came in looking down as if he was nervous.I raised my eyebrow and walked over to him."Whats wrong?"I lifted his chin.

He sighed and looked away blushing.Then he shook his head and looked back at me.

"I-I'm nervous."He mumbles while playing the back of his hair."about what?"I asked forming a small smile at his cuteness.

"About my mate.What if he doesn't like me?Or thinks I'm stupid and ugly?Or even worse just uses-"He went on and on before I stopped him.

"Stop thinking like that,none of that is going to happened because you're one of the cutest and most amazing werewolf I've ever met."My smile widens when I see his cheeks get red."And if he doesn't think so,he is probably retarded."I nodded my head in conclusion.

He giggles and nodded"Okay,Thank you hyung."

I smile and pat his back"No problem kookie."

Then there was a knock at the door catching both of our attention.

"Jungkook,Yoongi ,the party is about to begin."The person behind the door says.

"We'll be right there."Jungkook answers while fixing his suit.

I had a casual black suit on with a tie and so did Jungkook.

 I had a casual black suit on with a tie and so did Jungkook

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We walked down the large staircase as people started clapping

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We walked down the large staircase as people started clapping.It was very unnecessary but none of my business.Jungkook and I smiled as we down the stairs.

Once we made it down the stair case Jungkook stopped in his tracks causing me to bump into his back hard.

"What is it?"I asked in annoyance.

"I smell something."I sniffs.

Then it hit me.That familiar strawberry and vanilla scent.Not that asshole!!

Jungkook started walking towards the back door of his big house and I followed.Is it a coincidence that the scent I'm smelling is coming from the same direction?

We made it to the back door and I could hear faint voices from behind it and what sounds like punches?

"Don't fucking touch him!!"One Of the voices yells.


"Or what!?What're you going to do about it?!!"Another unfamiliar voice yells.

Jungkooks pushes the door open quietly but it still catches their attention.My heart starts beating when I lock with Jimin's eyes.He has his fist raises as if about to punch someone and grabbing the others collar but still looking over at me.

When I looked over to the other guy I saw him eyeing Jungkook intensely while smirking.He was about an inch taller than Jimin making him even more intimidating.He had eyeliner and eyeshadow with dark brown curly hair.

I looked over to the Jungkook to see him completely red and shaking.

His mate.

"What do we have here?My little omega mate?"The man says as he pushes Jimin away walking towards Jungkook with a smirk.

Omega?Jungkook is not a omega,is he talking about me?But he is looking right at Jungkook.He is probably retarded,I knew it.

Jungkook was shaking but not a"omg my mate!"shaking it was more like"he is going to fucking rape me"shaking.I could also feel that aura coming off him,he's dangerous.

Jungkook took a step back as the man came closer,but was caught when the man grabbed his neck and waist pulling him against his chest causing Jungkook to flinch and gasp.

"S-stop!"Jungkook cries but the man didn't stop he only pulled his head to the side and was ready to bite him.

"He said stop!" My reflects kicked in and I tried to run towards them and push him away but out of nowhere Jimin pulled me back from my waist.

I gasped and started punching his arms"Stop!!You can't do that!!"I yelled at the man but he just bit into Jungkook while staring directly at me.Jungkook screamed in agony.

"Stop it!!Leave him alone!!"
He can't do that!That's not fair,Jungkook is in pain,doesn't he care that his mate is in pain.I could feel anger rising in me and all I could see was red.

"Calm down Yoongi."Jimin whispered into my ear.My heart was beating loudly but I tried ignoring it.

"No!Don't tell me to calm down!!He can't do that to him!"I kicked and screamed but he just wouldn't let go.

The man pulled away from Jungkooks neck and there was so much blood oozing down his neck and it only made me angrier.Jungkooks body went limp before the man pulled him closer and ran away.

Jimin let go of me and I turned around and slapped him on the cheek hard.I couldn't believe he just held me back while my bestfriend was getting bitten forcefully.

"How could you do that!?You let me watch my friend getting bit like that and you didn't even bother to do anything!?"I started punching his chest but that seemed to be doing nothing.

He just glared at me with those dominant gray eyes of his.He grabbed my arms and pulled to his chest leaning close to my ear sending shivers all through my body.

  "I think you need a punishment."

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