36- Dun Dun Dunn pt.2

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I can't believe he'd come up with such a idiotic idea. Yoongi talking to Taehyung alone? Over my dead body, is he just going to act like he wasn't just about to get raped by his men.

I can't believe he still trusts Jungkook after that.

"Be grateful that he did what you couldn't!!"

I scrunched my nose and sighed. I guess he did save Yoongi when I couldn't but that doesn't mean we can just forget that he put him in that whole mess.

I ran a hand through my hair and stood up. It's 3 in the morning and I'm still so fucking paranoid. It's not like Taehyung could suddenly find us...unless Jungkook is telling him our whereabouts. .....Fuck! Why didn't I fucking think of that before!?

He took us to his house, like that isn't suspicious enough! We have to leave now. I ran up the stairs and into the room they were both in. I barged in and heard silence, they were cuddled up and sleeping soundly.

I felt jealously fog my mind. I can't believe this shit, he is pregnant and sleeping with my man, what a thot. I shook my head.

I'm overthinking, I have to be grateful that he saved my mate even while going through such a hard time. I wish there was something I could do to help convince Taehyung that what he needs is right here but I can't do that, and I'm definitely not letting Yoongi do it either.

I sighed and left the room, guess I'm sleeping alone tonight, not like I'm not used to it though. I went to the room at the end which was apparently Jungkook's parents room and slumped onto the bed. I let out a deep sigh and closed my eyes.

Everything feels too normal....too calm. This is bringing bad memories, where everything felt so good then suddenly I was crying myself to sleep everyday. Speaking of bad memories, that guy that helped Taehyung, Mr. Kim that's right. I wonder what he was to Yoongi, why did he make him so scared.

Hold on? Where the fuck did that old man go!? I sat up quickly. When Jungkook saved us that men was completely gone, where did he go!!

Oh fuck! I ran a hand through my hair and completely jumped off the bed. We have to leave, earlier than I expected. I knew things were to calm for this.

Taehyung must of fucking planned this and-and Jungkook must be part of this! Fuck! I need to get Y-


My heart stopped, the loud knocking came from the living room. He must be fucking here! Fuck I wasn't prepared for this. Then I heard faint footsteps going down the stairs and the front door being opened.

My first instinct was to run out and stop who ever was opening the door so that's exactly what I did. I rushed down the stairs almost tripping and saw Yoongi holding the door open and someone on their knees in front of him.

My heart raced as I reached to grab Yoongi's shoulder, "Yoongi get away from the d-" I froze and looked down. My eyes widen at the sight it was Taehyung. But not any old Taehyung, his face was bloody,black eye, and he was holding his elbow in pain. He was completely beaten up.

He looked vulnerable, I haven't seen that from him in years.

Then when he spoke, it was the most vile sound I've ever heard. His voice was dry and hoarse as if someone was punching his vocal cords repeatedly. He said,

"Y-you guys need to leave....he is coming....."

"Mr. Kim."


Short chapter but promise next one is succulent 🤙🏽

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