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Jungkook Pov

I lied to Yoongi....I lied to my bestfriend!! I'm such a horrible friend!! I'm willing to sacrifice my best friend in the world for a man that almost raped me. What kind of person am I? But still.....

"You don't want me to hate you right?"

I don't want him to hate me....my only mate. If my only mate hates then... what's the point in life?

  "Jungkook!" A very familiar deep voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I look up and see him gesturing to come to him. He was standing there near the entrance of the school. I smiled widely and ran over to him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly. He was tall, taller than me so I had to go on my toes or else my arms would rip off. He wrapped his long arms around my waist pulling closer into his chest. I snuggled my face in his neck and sniffed.

My heart was pounding out my chest. Oh~ this felt so good. This is so comforting, he smells so good. I felt so safe in his arms. So relaxed .

I felt his hands go lower until it landed on my butt. I opened my eyes when I felt him give me hard squeeze. I squealed and jumped away.

"Ow!" I hit his chest lightly."Why would you do that to my poor butt?" I pouted rubbing my butt. He chuckled and his deep voice sent chills through my body." I'm sorry baby"

His smile is so pretty...he looks so innocent. I smiled back cause his smile was contagious. I loved how cute he can be at times but other times... he's like the devil but I don't want to think about those times.

  "Come on! Let's go somewhere private." I winked and dragged him along.I could hear his deep chuckle behind me as I pulled into one of boys bathroom. School was over so there was no one in here. Great!

As I pulled him into one of the stalls I tried to turn around and talk to him but I was already being pulled and slammed against the stall door. My chest came in contact with the door as Taehyung  leaned in and rubbed his crotch on my butt. I blushed and whimpered. He's so dominant.

"So here's the plan. I need you to invite Yoongi for lunch. Don't tell him I'm going ,okay?" Taehyung spoke deeply in my ear.

Yoongi?? Why does it always have to be about him? I'm your mate not him!!

"Why?" I asked angrily. I turned around quickly an glared up at him. My chest rising up and down as I breathed hard. I was mad and i know it was evident in my eyes because my wolf was taking over. He was angry and jealous.

  I could tell Taehyung was taken back from my sudden out burst cause he stepped back a little but a second later, he had his long fingers wrapped around my neck gripping tightly.

I gasped and grabbed his arm trying to make him let go but he only gripped tighter. My eyes widen as I realized that I can't breathe.

"T-t-tae" I tried to speak but only squeaks were coming out. I looked into his eyes and they turned red as he licked his lips.

He likes this? He enjoys hurting his mate? My eyes were teary as some rolled down my cheek. Why does everyone I love and care about always want to see me in pain? I can't do handle it anymore...I just want to be dead.

I let my arms limp from his hands and close my eyes trying to handle the pain from not breathing for long. I felt the darkness take over my conscious but before I fainted he let go my neck and fell to my knees in-front of him.

I coughed and held my neck. I already knew they'd be bruises. But..why did he let go??

"Get up..." his deep cold voice sent chills down my spine. At this point I was sobbing and gasping for air.

He just doesn't care...no one ever does.

"I said get up!!" He yells loudly. I flinch and look up at him. My tears staining my face as snot coming out my . My face scrunched up as I saw his cold expressionless face. He didn't care one bit.."T-tae..."I sobbed wiping my snot and tears.

As if things couldn't get worse, he grabbed my hair and pulled me up harshly. I screamed in pain and held his hand. "Tae!! It hurts, please stop!!" I pleaded. "How dare you?" He slapped my cheek harshly causing me to turn my head from the force. I sobbed even louder from before.

"A stupid omega like you....you dare get angry with me? Know your place..." he gripped my chin tightly and made me look his way.

I hate this...why does this always happen to me? What's so wrong with me that even my mate hates me so much. I know I just met him but I already would risk my whole life for him but...all he wants is to hurt me.

I nodded as I sobbed. I was shaking in place and I know it was really noticeable. "You look pathetic...and you claim to be a beta." He spat coldly.

Suddenly I feel regret and guilt rush through me...but these weren't my feelings. I looked up at his eyes and saw those exact feeling in his eyes...is he guilty for doing this to me? Does actually care?..

"Jungkook?" I heard Yoongi's voice. I gasp but Taehyung quickly puts his hand of my mouth. My eyes widen. What's Yoongi doing here? Taehyung quietly told me 'shh' in my ear.

"Invite him to lunch so I can talk to him about Jimin. Alright? Don't tell him I'm coming or else he won't come....this is what I wanted you do for me. Don't disappoint me,go." He whispered In my very quietly but I heard everything. He opened the stall and pushed me out.

"Oh Jungkook? What were you doing in there?" Yoongi raised in eyebrow.

My eyes widen not knowing what to do." I was....changing my pad!!" I shouted without thinking.

What the fuck Jungkook?! Changing your pad, out of everything you could have said..you say that.

Yoongi sighs and nodded." I'm too lazy to ask for the real reason , so let's just forget about it and go. I wanted to walk home with you."

I sighed in relief thanking god that Yoongi was a lazy person.  I nodded and followed behind him.

After everything that just happened I'm still acting like everything's fine...I'm so fake.

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