32-Over It

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I couldn't take it! Hearing all their screams from the other room was driving me crazy. This was all my fault, Yoongi is getting hurt because of me. I can't believe I let this happen! I'm so god damn stupid.

I punched my head hard causing me to fall off the bed and onto the hard floor. I wish Taehyung wasn't like this, why was he so caught up on some other person when I'm his mate! Not the dead person, me!! I let my feelings get the best of me now I'm here pregnant, my best friend is getting tortured, and I could hear it all.

Taehyung has put me in this small room, it was dark but pretty, he had me wear a large white shirt with only panties. The bed was comfy also, he even left me some plushies. Awww he is the sweetes-" Jungkook no!!" I slapped myself on the cheek and shook my head.

He is a terrible man and you don't love him. I don't care if he is my mate, he is a big fat meanie...with the broadest shoulder and the sexiest hands and the most handsome face and just ugh. I can't- I need to save Yoongi and this is what I'm thinking about, how sexy my mate is. I hate myself.

I bit nails nervously, I had to do something I couldn't just sit here, but wait! Didn't Jimin come here with Yoongi? Yeah, Jimin is going to save Yoongi and everything will me fi-


I jumped at Jimin's sudden screaming. Oh...he didn't sound like he was going to save Yoongi. Damnit! I think this is the moment where I realize I'm supposed to save them.

Ugh! But how? I'm useless, I don't know how to-I need help. I pulled at my hair frustrated. I'm so confused, this is driving me insane!

Should I help them or should I listen to Taehyung and stay put??! Who matters more my asshole of a mate or my best friend in the whole wide world?!! Those are easy questions, first one is listen to Taehyung, the second one is my best friend in the world!!

Jungkook you can't do both!! Ugh, I'm actually so stupid! I stood up and stomped over to the pink door. I stared at it angrily and pulled aggressively on the doorknob.

"Ugh!!" I grunted. He wouldn't open. Oh wait, I think I need to twist it from, I hit my head. Duh Jungkook.

I twisted it but it didn't budge. I tried again but nothing, I kicked the door annoyed and stomped back to the bed. I huffed and crossed my arms.

I frowned. I'm acting as if this was a joke, it's really not. My best friend needs help and I-I-. I began to cry sniffing and wiping my eyes. I'm so useless, he has done so much for me and I can't even do this one thing for him.


Jimin's loud voice scared me once again. This one was much louder than the other, things must be getting serious. Oh fuck, I need to do something. I bit down in my nails nervously, my stomach was doing flips. I'm scared, what should I do? What should I do!!? Ugh!!

I paced back and forth in the room anxiously. Things are getting worse in there, I know it. Jimin doesn't seem like he is able to do anything!!

Okay okay, think!!... Maybe I could jump out the win-there are no windows ugh!! I kept thinking but nothing came. I looked back at the door and groaned. I'm gonna have to try again.

I rushed over to the door and pulled on it once again but again, nothing happened. Maybe it's a push door. I gasped. I twisted the doorknob and pushed. It opened!! Oh god!!

Okay okay, I walked out and noticed there was nobody there. The hallway was dark and quiet. I looked around and then suddenly-

"N-no!! P-please stop!! JIMIN!"

I heard Yoongi's loud high pitched voice calling. I instantly turned my head to that direction and ran. What the hell is going on it there?

I ran until it felt like my heart was about to jump of out my chest. Until I stopped. There were so many doors, which one could they be in? Then Yoongi screamed again. It was clear as a crystal. They were in the door right in front of me.

My heart was racing as I twisted the doorknob and pushed it open. What I saw had my blood boiling, I was feeling the same thing I felt when I was in the car with Tae. Raging anger.

Yoongi was completely naked on the floor with men on top him holding him down and undoing their belts. I growled.

I ran over and kicked the guy right in between Yoongi's legs, punched the guy holding Yoongi down, and knocked out the guy just staring at me with fear. I growled loudly.

"I told you not to hurt Yoongi!!" I screamed and ran towards Taehyung who was staring at me with pure anger but I didn't care. I hate this man, he made my life a complete hell.

I punched and punched until I felt him draw blood. "I fucking hate you!!" I screamed feelings my punches getting weaker. I was fuming with anger, but I was slowly started to lose that confidence as I grew tired and my arms felt weak. I tried throwing one punch but it was too slow and he ended up catching it.

He moved it out of his face and looked up at me with such a terrifying gaze. He had blood all over his teeth and nose which made it scarier. He spoke with such a raspy deep voice. "You'll regret this."

My eyes widen as I felt someone pull my shirt back. I furrowed my eyebrows again. "I won't regret shit!" I threw a middle finger up. "Jungkook we have to go! We don't have time!" Yoongi yelled from behind.

I gathered myself up and ran with them. I looked back slowly. Taehyung hadn't moved, he just lay there lifelessly.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered


I was going to update the night before but I totally forgot 💜💜

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