2-His Mate

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"It's not that bad Yoongi I think your just overre-"I cut him off.

"I'm not overreacting and don't say It's not that bad.You wouldn't understand!!"I spat back in annoyance.

He would never understand this hell.I wish I could just find my mate and live happily ever after.

"I'm sorry...your right,I wouldn't understand...I'm just trying to make you feel better."He sighed and showed me a sincere smile.

"Well it's not working so stop." I huffed in annoyance and walked at a quicker pace to get away from him.

I hate how he try's to comfort me saying stuff like "it's okay"or "I understand" he doesn't understand and he never will so he should just stop trying!I hate all alphas,they think they're best and so strong,they're not!!I may be just an omega but my kicks to the balls are the strongest.

'Shut up,that's the only thing you know how to do'My wolf said with a sassy tone.

Oh you shouldn't be talking.Come out here and take them all on your own.She didn't reply so I knew I had won.

   My wolf is a girl but I'm a boy,it's very rare and I'm not very proud of it.My wolf likes to talk to me and I like talking to it.We're a lot alike obviously buts she's a lot more stubborn but more submissive,a weird combination.She is also a lot more horny than I am.Thats why I want to find my mate and satisfy my wolf.

I was standing in front of the cafeteria door when I smelled something sweet.Vanilla and .....strawberry?Its so sweet that it's  mouthwatering.Is it the lunch?And Why is so strong?

Suddenly,a tall figure stood in front of me.I had to tilt my head all the way up to see him.The scent got so strong I felt my legs wobbling.

His hair was black and he was very handsome.He was looking down at me with an unreadable expression.His dark gray eyes held so much dominance it had me trembling at the spot.
(A/N:pretend Jimin is like a lot taller than Yoongi,it's hard to do it but bear with me;))

At this point my wolf had already been rolled on her back with her stomach showing and I was still fighting the urge to show my neck.Then he spoke almost making me completely fall to the ground from how deep his voice was.

"Can you move out the way?"He said with a straight face.

I scrunched my nose at the tone of his voice.

Rude much?My wolf pointed out making me nod mentally.

I huffed and crossed my arms against my chest before going to the side to let him passed.

He walked past like nothing happened.Is he not my mate?But his scent was so strong, he must be my mate.I turned around to see him looking directly at me, I furrowed my eyebrows and huffed to show him I'm angry.

He just scoffed and smirked then left..how dare he!I don't care if he is my mate, does he think I'm some sort of child?

Before he got away, I yelled at him.

"Hey you!"I walked closer to him."Don't laugh at me!"I pointed a finger at him as if accusing him of a crime.

He just looked down at me like some sort insect.I looked away because his dominance was overpowering me and I didn't want to do anything stupid that'd embarrass me.

"So you're my mate?"He raised his eyebrow.

My heart started beating when he looked at me up and down.His gaze was so strong that I just wanted to roll over and expose my stomach for him. But I fought the urge.

"I don't care if you're my mate.I will not let you laugh at me like I'm not a child.Im 18 and not a ba-"He cut me off.

"You're a lot smaller than I thought you'd be, but your cuteness makes up for it."He smirked caressing my thigh.

I blushed when he called me cute "I'm not small!!"I slapped his hand away causing him to lose his smirk and glare at me.

"Your neck!"My the wolf screamed but I ignored her.

He got closer and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me against his hard chest.His eyes turned a lighter but more dominant shade of grey.

I couldn't take it anymore when he growled in my ear.I threw my head to the side exposing my vulnerable neck.A red shade took over my face.This was so embarrassing but I couldn't take it anymore, his dominance is so overpowering.

He neared my neck and sniffed it before letting out a sigh of relief.A wave of fear rushed through me at the thought that he is going to bite me.But instead, he licked and sucked it a couple of times then smirked against it as I let out whimpers which I tried to stop.

"You're also very submissive...adorable."He chuckled and pulled away and let go of me.

He then walked away leaving me all flushed with my neck still to the side.This was one of the most embarrassing thing in the world.

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