23- Flashback pt 2

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   "I'm gonna kill them" Jimin repeated for the tenth time today. Taehyung rolled his eyes, he was tired of hearing it. "Then do it already, you keep saying it but you haven't done anything." Taehyung licked his ice cream looking at Jimin with a curious look. Jimin nodded as he got up from the bench with a wide grin on his face. He had thought of his plan and now was the time to go through with it.

  "I gotta go Taehyung, see you around." Jimin spoke quietly as he walked away. Taehyung already knew what he was going to do but he didn't really care. "Don't get arrested Jimin!" He yelled before licking his ice cream again.


Jimin climbed onto a tree all the way to top and sat down. He had a perfect view of the boy which he learned his name was Yoongi, his large window being right in front of the tree. Jimin always came up here since the day he saw his parents. He has been climbing onto the tree and just staring at the boy, doing nothing particularly just admiring the boy and learning more and more about the boy.

   He watches the boys little movements, he is always in his room so it's easy. He really loves music, he has his own little studio where he always makes music. Jimin always smiles when the boy gets excited over a new beat he made, which was most of the time. He likes to sleep and doesn't move much, he loves to read.

  Jimin has learned everything about the boy and everyday he was falling more and more in love with him. What he dislikes is when he sees this other boy named Jungkook. He doesn't always come to his house but when he does, Yoongi always laughs and smiles. Jimin wants to be the reason why he smiles, but he is not that threatened because he could smell the boy was an omega.

He knew everything, everything about the boy if he were to take a quiz about him he'd get a 101% on it. Jimin watched as the boy wrote down lyrics down on his notebook, if he squinted enough he could it read it.

  On top of this ending tune

I am standing here alone
Now tell me
That it's over, let me know

  Girl let me know
Girl let me know
Although I already know everything is over
Just so no regrets are left behind 

The lyrics were always so meaningful. Jimin could tell the boy was emotional but he didn't mind, he couldn't hate the boy even if he wanted to. He was too much in love with him.

Warning ⚠️ blood and murder

His smile fell as he saw his dad walk in the room and talk to Yoongi. He had to get rid of them in order to be with Yoongi. He jumped off the tree and landed on his feet. His eyes dark and low walked he walked to the front door. He held the large knife in his hand as he kicked down the door. The mom gasped as he immediately stood up from her seat as the father quickly ran to the living room.

  "Give me Yoongi" He growled walking in the house. "Youll never have you crazy animal"The father without hesitation threw his fist at Jimin, Jimin caught it smirking at the man. "wha-" He couldn't finish when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He looked down and saw something that made his eyes go big. Jimin had stabbed him deep into his stomach.

  Everything felt real when his wife let out a blood-curdling scream as she covered her mouth. The father coughed out blood as Jimin pushed to the ground harshly. "Now I'll spare you..only if you give me Yoongi." Jimin walked towards her menacingly ignoring the loud footsteps that were coming down the stairs. "You're terrible!! How dare you!!" His mother screamed. Jimin turned his attention to the boy and smirked evilly eyes. Yoongi looked down at his father's dead body" NO YOONGI GO BACK UPSTAIRS!"  Yoongi had the most terrified look as he brought his eyes to look at Jimin who was now nearing him. "Yoongi..my mat-"


Jimin fell to the ground and groaned as the mother stood behind with a frying pan. She hit him, hard. She held Yoongi's face and cried heavily. "I want you to run...far.. don't look back...and I-....you won't be able to remember anything...just remember your father and I loved you...so so much." She sniffed and she pressed her head against his forehead. His eyes became blank as he quickly ran out the door not looking back. He kept running, though his face was blank and emotionless...a tear slipped out. He ignored the loud screams of his mother and kept running until he was lost and had nowhere to run anymore. He fell to the ground, the hard gravel giving his knees bruises. He cried and cried...not knowing the reason...he just cried.



Yoongi stood up from the ground and made his way to his bathroom still a sobbing mess. He looked himself in the mirror and cried more. "You're such an ugly mess." He sobbed running his hands through his already messy hair. He sobbed and sobbed thinking over his whole life though he couldn't even remember half of It. He cried until he thought it was time to take a shower. He despised showering because it meant he had to take off his clothing. He hated being naked especially in front of a mirror. He hated looking at himself, he was very pale and skinny but that's not what disgusted him, on his back, there many whip marks healed but left very noticeable scars.

He wiped his tears and jumped into the shower turning the faucet on. He hissed when cold water ran down his body.

  "You being bad Yoongi, you do not have a family. Remember that..you have no one. That's why you're stuck here."

A very faint but familiar voice rang in his head. He shook his head aggressively and pulled his hair. "NO NO NO NO!!" He screamed. That voice..he hated the voice..he hated it so much, it made his blood boil but he also feared it. So many terrible memories came back living him crying in the shower...


I want to make another story but I don't know which ship to use. Pick for me??



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