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Jimin shifted back to his human form completely naked. "No no no princess." He rushed over to Yoongi and held Yoongi's wound softly. "Jimin It h-hurts!" Yoongi whined. "I know- I know princess. I-I-Fuck!" He groaned frustratedly and grabbed his hair. Why did he go through with this knowing the consequences, now he didn't what to do.

He looked at the wound, it was a bloody mess and he knew Yoongi was losing lots of blood he had to make it stop. He found one of the piece of his shirt ripped up on the ground and took it. He took the shirt and carefully wrapped it around the wound earning small whimpers from Yoongi.

Jimin tied it and picked Yoongi not wasting any time taking him back to the house but Yoongi opposed. "N-no we have to help Tae-" "Shut up!" Jimin screamed tightening his grip on Yoongi's thighs. Yoongi whimpered and looked down submissively but still tried. "P-please Jimin, J-jungkook is my b-" He started softly "Let Taehyung handle it," Jimin said nonchalantly not even thinking about it.

Yoongi knew there was nothing he can do but it hurt his heart to think he wasn't able to help his best friend once again.

They made it to the house and Jimin laid Yoongi onto the bed and tucked him in. "I'll get you bandages and painkillers alright? Stay warm."Jimin said trying hard to hide his anger, he walked out the room closing the door behind. Yoongi instantly threw the blankets off him and stood up wincing at the sharp pain in his leg.

He opened the cabinet beside the bed and took some heat pills shoving it in his mouth. He swallowed gagging a bit and then released a breathe. He looked at the door and whispered. "I'm sorry" and jumped out the window.

He had to find Taehyung, he just couldn't leave his best friend, he just couldn't. He shut his eyes remembering all the memories he shared with Jungkook. When Yoongi had lost his parents and ran away, Jungkook put up missing posters of him up and kept bothering the police station when they gave up.

A tear slipped from his eye, he couldn't let anything happen to him. He ran and sniffed around for any scents but instead he a heard small sobs and his ear twitched. He ran in that direction and saw Taehyung sitting against a tree completely naked and crying in his hands. His eyes widened and he ran over crouching down to his level. "Taehyung? What's wrong? Where's Jungkook?" Yoongi asked and Taehyung only pushed him away. "Get away from me!" Yoongi backed away but not that far back.

"He's gone...they took him. They took my baby. Fuck, I'm such a fucking idiot!" He cried punching the tree almost breaking it in half. He pulled at his hair roughly and Yoongi put his hand on Taehyung's back cautiously. "No, you can't give up now Taehyung! Jungkook needs you, you don't even understand how much he-" "Yoongi started. "No! I fucking broke him, why the hell would he still want me." He shook his head, a small tear running down his cheek.

"Taehyung, Jungkooks loves you, even after everything you've done to him he stills loves you so much. I tried to convince to let you go trust me but he couldn't...he couldn't let you go." Yoongi showed him a genuine smile. Taehyung stared at him with a frown fighting to urge to believe such wonderful news. "Why do you even care? I almost got you raped." He admitted and Yoongi looked down. "I'm not doing this for you..." he started looking straight into Taehyungs eyes.

"Jungkook is my best friend, he has done so much for me. I want him to to be happy no matter what even if it means you have to be with him." He said sternly and Taehyung just watched him.

"So are you gonna help me find him?" Yoongi asked and Taehyung sighed. "What other choice do I have, my heart craves for him and his forgiveness." Taehyung shook his head. Yoongi let out a nervous chuckle. "Trust me he will forgive you, even though he shouldn't he is."

Taehyung started at him hesitantly and slowly stood up with Yoongi following. "Anyways, I think I may know whe-" "Is that my sweater?" Taehyung cut off pointing to the sweater Yoongi was wearing. Yoongi blushed and smacked Taehyungs hand away. "What do you expect, I left that place naked!" Yoongi fought back and Taehyung didn't say anything. "ANYWAYS!" Yoongi sighed.

"Jungkook...I know where he is." He said seriously and Taehyung just stared at him not actually believing him. "Your father and I have a bad history, he was a doctor that was working at the mental asylum I was in."

"Oh, I know that." Taehyung nodded. "What does that have to do with where Jungkook could be?" He raised his eyebrow. "Well that building has completely burned down, no one even knows about it anymore which makes it a great place to keep someone captive." He explained and Taehyung listened carefully.

"But I don't exactly think they're there but...Mr.Kim always took to this place just a bit away from the building he-" He let out a nervous sigh and continued." He took me there to beat me and such. He had many 'equipment' there he used on me." He held onto his arms at the terrible memories. Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows.

"And I have a strong feeling that he is there." He finished and Taehyung bit his lip nervously if he did such terrible things to Yoongi there, his baby must be in so much danger. "What do you suppose we do."

"There isn't a "we" " Jimins voice suddenly was heard in the dark night( ew cringe). He grabbed Yoongi's arm tightly earning a loud whine from Yoongi. He gave Taehyung a death glare, "This is your own fucking problem, stop dragging my mate into this. " He spat squeezing Yoongi's arm and Taehyung didn't seem fazed at all. " Stay the fuck away from my mate and If I see you one more time, I'm ripping your mother fucking head off." He finished and dragged Yoongi through the woods.

Taehyung didn't need any more information, he got all he needed...he was gonna find Jungkook.

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