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Go get Yoongi!! He is danger!! This was all your fault! Your shouldn't have let him come here! My wolf screamed.

Realization hit me and I quickly tried to stand up but these metal restraints held me back. Silver chains, fuck!

"Yoongi...fuck!" I growled angrily attempting to pull away from the restraints again. How the fuck did this happen

We heard soft sniffling behind us and a quiet but demanding voice saying something in the lines of "Do you understand " I looked at Yoongi who was also looking at me with a shocked expression. "Its Jungkook!" Yoongi said excitedly running towards the voices but I grabbed his arm. "Keep your voice down.."
Yoongi nodded and went over to the door. Just as I was about to follow him inside, something hard hit the back of my head and I completely lost consciousness.

Damnit, we should've never came here. I knew from the start something like this was going to happen and here I am, I don't know where Yoongi is and for all I know he could be getting raped by Jungkook right this second. Fuck!! I'm so stupid!! It wasn't anger that I felt it was fear, fear that my mate could be in danger. I tried to mind link him but he seemed to be unconscious.

This is all my fault...it's making my heart hurt. I felt the urge to run my hand through my hair but my hands were chained behind the wooden chair I was seated in. I looked up and noticed the room I was in was different from the place Yoongi and I had entered. This place was bright and warm, no windows but there was a huge chandelier right above me. The walls were light pink and had flowers on them...what is this place? How did they manage to get me here without waking me up?

  Suddenly, the wooden door that was straight ahead from me creaked open revealing Taehyung. My eyebrows furrowed instantly and I tensed. Anger was already rising and I could hear my wolf barking and growling.

"Wow there doggy, calm yourself." He chuckled walking towards me. I was ready to rip that damn smirk off his face. "Where's Yoongi!" I barked shaking in my seat out of anger. My blood was boiling, the things I would do to him If I wasn't tied to this chair.

"Don't worry about him right now, we have a lot to talk about alright?" Taehyung walked closer putting his hand underneath his chin. I just stared trying to contain this raging anger within me. I couldn't blow up now, I have to think of a way to get Yoongi.

"You know...I got Jungkook pregnant...its kind of a nuisance honestly, but I'm grateful." He shrugged before continuing. "You probably didn't know this but......Hoseok found out he was pregnant 2 days before he died..." He glared at me, his eyes shifting from red to black." With your baby."

My eyes widened slightly. Hoseok and I had a few one night stands but...I never knew he was pregnant. Fuck, what the fuck is wrong with me. "I'm so-" "Your apologies are useless so don't bother." He spoke with a stern voice. I looked down in shame, I couldn't deny that I did Taehyung wrong, he was my best friend and I did all those terrible, terrible things to him that were completely unforgivable.

"I've used 3 years of my life trying to get revenge on you and I will finally be able to get it." He smiled evilly. My muscles tensed again. Yoongi had woken up, I could feel all his emotions rushing through me, he was confused and scared. I immediately tried to mind link him.

"Yoongi?! Yoongi are you alright?"

It took him a minute  to reply

"Jimin!! Jimin, where are you? I'm scared, I can't see anything" He screamed. My heart ached, I wish I could just cuddle him and give him kisses telling him everything was okay but...god, I hated this so much.

"Oh princess, I'm so sorry. I promise I'll get you out! I promise!"

"Oh!! Yoongi's awake! Perfect timing, we'll bring him over in just a sec." Taehyung cheered clapping his hands again. "Bring him here now." I growled, I could feel my eyes turning grey. He snickered "I don't think you're in the position to tell what to do, don't you think?" He gestured to the chains holding me down. "You're a pussy, take me out of these chains and we'll settle this like men?" I smirked.

His smile fell as he walked towards me slowly. He looked down at me with a dark gaze but I didn't feel an ounce of fear within me. I stared backed with an equal amount of dominance eve though I was looking up at him.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my left cheek and I was looking to side now. "You are a fucking lunatic you know that Park Jimin! The thought of just living so happily while having the blood of my mate on your hands makes me furious!" He screamed.

"Do you not realize you have another mate that fucking loves you!! You're so caught up with the past that you don't even realize you have someone that's loves you more than themselves and you're too stuck on someone who loves someone else." I snapped. This man had no idea what kind of chance he was getting, I had to make him realize. He looked at me with a flabbergasted expression as I continued. "Open your eyes Taehyung! Jungkook loves you so much!! He is willing to put down his best friend just so you could be happy but you're doing this all just for a dumb whore like Hoseok." I panted.

Jungkook loves him and as much I as I hated him for hurting Yoongi, he was doing something that showed his love and genuine care for Taehyung. Taehyung just hasn't noticed.

Taehyung stumbled back a bit and touched his forehead as if thinking. "You-you don't understand...you don't understand at all!! Don't act like you do!" He pointed an accusing finger at me. "But I'll make you understand!" He whispered walking back to the door and opening it . "I'll make you understand." He repeated disappearing behind the door and slamming it shut.

The room fell silent again. I felt myself becoming anxious and nervous, I couldn't help but fidget. What was he thinking? What was he going to do? Please don't let it involve Yoongi. Who am I kidding...of course it involves Yoon-

Suddenly the door was slammed open and Yoongi was pushed harshly into it hitting the floor hard. My heart stopped. Taehyung was standing at the door with a menacing look. I looked down at Yoongi, he was shaking dramatically, his arms and legs tied together.

He looked so scared as if he just saw a ghost. His eyes were bulging wide and lips sealed shut.

   He looked completely traumatized.


What could've happened to Yoongi wonder????????? P.S remember to check out the new book, you don't have to star it or anything just check it out to see if you like it c:

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