28-Its A Trap

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Yoongi and Jimin had no clue what was coming for them when they drove to the warehouse where supposedly Jungkook was being held at.

Yoongi was only caught on finding Jungkook, he wasn't thinking about if someone would try stopping them or not. Jimin, on the other hand, didn't even acknowledge the fact that he was going to save Jungkook, his number one mission was to keep Yoongi safe.

He didn't know what Taehyung was planning but he knew it involved Yoongi. He furrowed his eyebrows thinking hard.

"I think Jungkooks gay?" He came up with that. Yoongi looked up from his phone and stared at Jimin. "Yeah-no shit Jimin." He spat.

"I was just thinking, he is pretty built and like tall. He really isn't a regular omega." Jimin shook his head.

Yoongi let out a breathy laugh. "That's because he's not. He has been protecting me from the other horny dominance hungry alpha's"

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He was 100% sure that Jungkook was an omega, but he was protecting Yoongi from alphas? Confusion.

"Hey, there's a convenient store over there. Wanna get snacks?" Jimin pointed to a small convenience store to the left of them. Yoongi sighed and looked at Jimin angrily. "Seriously? What's wrong with you?"

"Wha do you me-"

"We're literally trying to save my best friend from getting raped or something and you're over here asking for snacks! Are you slow!!?" Yoongi snapped, "ah- I mean- sorry?" Jimin stuttered but not really fazed at Yoongi's outburst.

"You're so fucking- ugh- sometimes." Yoongi rubbed his temples closing his eyes in frustration. "Sorry, I'll try to not be so..ugh next time. Since you don't like me being ugh, I'll try my best to stop being ugh. I'll keep in mind next time so I won't be ug-" "Jimin I get it shut up!!" Yoongi punched Jimin's thigh, hard.

Jimin laughed. "Ow! I'm sorry princess. I was joking, sorry for being ugh ag-" "Jimin!" Yoongi laughed throwing his back into the seat.

Jimin looked at Yoongi admiring his gummy smile. "You're adorable," Jimin spoke before looking back at the road and following the GPS which showed Jungkooks location.

Yoongi's laughter died down and he looked straight ahead with a serious expression. "We're here making jokes while my best friend is probably in danger or even dead." He lets out a dry laugh. Jimin looks at him for a slight moment and sighs. "Yoongi, we'll save him I promise. Nothing bad is going to happen to him, you just have to trust me please."

Yoongi didn't say anything only looking ahead. He was still very doubtful. He opened his mouth to say something but then-

"You have arrived at your destination" The GPS women spoke. Yoongi's eyes widened as his heart pulsated. He was nervous, he hadn't thought anything through. When he found Jungkooks location, it was just "Oh, let me go find Jungkook! It's not like bad guys are going to try to stop me! Yeah!! aha" Now he regrets it everything.

"We're here Yoongi.." Jimin spoke awkwardly puffing his cheeks. Yoongi only sat there in fright. He looked at the place Jungkook supposedly was held at. The building was small, abandoned and dark, It was a long drive so it was dark out. "I-I-I didn't think this through...what am I- are we just supposed to just bust in there?" Yoongi shook his head and Jimin smirked. "That's why-" He pulls out something out of his back pocket. "I brought this." A gun.

Yoongi gasped." A gun! Are you crazy, you're not killing any-" "Blah blah, let's go before it gets darker."


"Where is everyone?" Jimin asked suspiciously. Yoongi shrugged "Its a good thing, now we can save Jungkook without having to fight people."

They had got into the warehouse disbelievingly easily. Yoongi was thought of it as a good thing but Jimin knew this was way more skeptical. Why would Taehyung hide Jungkook somewhere that was unguarded, it was completely unwary of him. Jimin felt adrenaline rising within him. Either Jungkook wasn't here or something more sinister was going on.

Suddenly, they heard soft sniffling behind them and a quiet but demanding voice saying something in the lines of "Do you understand?"Jimin and Yoongi both turned there head swiftly. "Its Jungkook!" Yoongi said excitedly running towards the voices but Jimin grabbed his arm. "Keep your voice down.." He shushed. Yoongi nodded and went over to the door but was stopped by " No Yoongi!! Don't come in!" It was Jungkook.

Yoongi's eyes widened upon hearing Jungkooks warning but he didn't listen and he pushed the door hard swinging it open. Jungkook was sitting on a wooden chair, his hands and feet tied. He had been crying, a lot, his eyes were red, there were dry tears on his cheek and there had been snot running down his nose. "Jungkook!!" Yoongi screamed running towards Jungkook and kneeling down in front of him attempting to untie the tight knots. "No- Yoongi No, you need to leave!" He sobbed" Its a trap! You can't be here!"

"No Jungkook, I'm going to get you out!" Yoongi said grunting at the tight knots. Jungkook shook his head and sobbed loudly. "I-I'm so so so sorry. Y-y-you have to forgive me." He sobbed. Yoongi ignored him and then he had realized. "Where's Jimin?" He turned around and then-


Everything was black.


Go check out my new book, I have 2 chapters published already hope y'all like it 💜💜

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