12- Reasons

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"So can you tell me the real reason you were in there. " Yoongi raised an eyebrow. Jungkook and Yoongi were walking home together but Jungkook had other plans as to where they were going. 

Jungkook looked at Yoongi and chuckled "Oh nothing, you know just....bathroom stuff." His voice becoming quieter with each word. He rubbed the back of his neck. Though Jungkook was trying to ease the atmosphere Yoongi wasn't having it. He realized his best friend wasn't himself anymore, he seemed weaker and more fragile as if any word that was thrown at him would break him easily.

   Yoongi sighed and stopped walking look straight into Jungkooks eyes. "Jungkook.. what's wrong? You're not yourself anymore and its pretty obvious. Ever since Taehyung came into our lives, you've been distant with me and I don't like it. I know he's your mate and all but, do you remember the first time you met him? He hurt you so badly Jungkook! You can't treat someone that hurts you so badly, so good Jungkook!" Yoongi's voice grew louder until he was completely yelling.

   Jungkooks eyes widen at the sudden outburst from his best friend. Jungkooks shoulders slumped because everything Yoongi said was right and he couldn't deny that but he was still going to keep his act up because he didn't want to disappoint his mate. 

  Jungkook smiled and nodded "You're right... Taehyung is bad but he is my mate. The truth is that I thought you and Jimin had such a great relationship that you didn't want me around but you're my best friend and no one should take us apart" Jungkook finished and nodded with a smile. Yoongi smiled back hugging his best friend tightly. Yoongi genuinely believed his best friend. They let go of each other smiled at each other. "Yoongi um... would like to go eat lunch with me at....like...you know...um." Jungkook stuttered. Yoongi chuckled and nodded " But we're going to Olive Garden." 

Jungkook smiled and nodded "Let's go then!" He cheered happily. Before they could start walking Yoongi pointed something out " First of all... Jimin and I don't have a great relationship FYI." Yoongi said sassily, Jungkook giggled and continuing walking.

  Before Jungkook could go anywhere, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He raised an eyebrow and pulled out looking at the notification.


     "Good job, baby boy. I'll make sure you get a prize when we're alone"

   He quietly gasped and swung his head around to see if anyone was there but there was no one. "Taehyung?" He whispered. It couldn't be anyone else but how did he get his phone number and.....how did Taehyung know Jungkook did as he was told. The thought gave Jungkook goosebumps. "Jungkook what are you doing, come on." Yoongi's voice snapped Jungkook out of his thoughts. Jungkook smiled and shook his head "Sorry, I'm coming"


Jimin POV


  Taehyung is up to something I know, and it involves Yoongi.  I can't get it out of my mind! If Taehyung lays a single finger on my mate, I'll tear him apart!

  My Yoongi...I don't know what I'd do without him. I destroyed everything in my life just to meet him. Taehyung is trying to take him away from me.

"you'll know how it feels to lose the person you were meant to live your whole life with, I promise you."

I sigh as I lay my head on the steering wheel. I feel memories flooding back into my head.


"Jimin...I love you..." Hoseok grips my hand tightly as we stand out in the cold dark night on a high hill. Hoseok and I have been hanging out for a while now but....I feel nothing towards him. He has mate but he still protests that he loves me.

  "No you don't Hoseok...you have a mate go to him." I snatched my hand away from his harshly. He looked up at me with teary red eyes.

"No! I don't love him! I love you! He is nothing compared to you!! I only want you...please Jimin...you don't understand- I can't live without you."

   I sighed and rolled my eyes in annoyance. This is getting tiring, should I just break him right here so he leaves me alone.

"Ugh are you done? This is getting annoying. Listen , you were a fun play thing but you will never be anything more." I spat coldly as I looked down at him as if he was a pesky bug.

He started sobbing loudly and I rolled my eyes "s-s-should I just k-k-kill myself then? N-nobody wants me." Hoseok screamed as his legs trembled.

"It would relieve me if you did." I smirked feeling an overwhelming dominance.

"Okay...if that will make you feel better" He stepped back getting closer and closer to the edge of the hill. He wiped his tears and looked me dead my eyes.

Suddenly a sudden wave of fear and guilt rushed over and my eyes widen. He is about to jump off!!

"Hos-" I was cut off from another voice. "HOSEOK NO!!" I looked back and saw Taehyung running towards me but he was too late...Hoseok fell off as soon as he got to him.

My eyes widen as I see Taehyung fall to his knees his cry's getting louder and louder. All I felt was guilt as I looked down too afraid to look at Taehyung. He turned around and looked me into the eyes.

"You'll regret this Park Jimin...." he glared at me with those bright red eyes.  "YOULL REGRET THIS PARK JIMIN, I PROMISE YOU!!" He screamed in my face before he walked straight passed me and disappeared into the distance.


"I'm such a terrible person."


Sorry short chapter but I promise it'll get more juicy💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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