25- Perfect!

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Just as I thought! He checked Jungkook's location, he is going to come here and then I'll have him..hopefully he brings Jimin here with him. It'll be a double kill.

The plan was risky but when through well. Having Jungkook being the bait was a great idea, I know just how much Jungkook means to Yoongi. And I know how much Yoongi means to Jimin.

We left Jungkook's phone in the warehouse with the location being on. So when Yoongi checks his location he'd know exactly where he is. Jungkook, of course, wasn't actually there. He was safe and sound with me. The real problem is...he could possibly be pregnant. He hasn't shown any signs but I wasn't going to risk it.

"Jungkook get ready, we're going to the doctor's" I stood up from the couch and picked the keys that were on my new 500$ bocote table. I only realized he was sleeping when he sat up sluggishly and yawned. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me with those big brown doe eyes that always hypnotized me. He was completely naked and still had the new hickeys I created a few minutes ago. "Why?" He surprisingly didn't stutter but he was very quiet. "No questions just hurry up, I'll be in the car. I want you out in 10 minutes." I stated as I walked out to my new 59,000,000$ dollar white Tesla.

"Why are you like this Taehyung? Why must you treat our mate like some sort of slut just to be fucked?" My wolf said in a deep low voice.

I didn't wanna hear it, not when everything is going so well. I will have my revenge on that traitor, even if it means my mate gets hurt. That same aching in my heart always came when I talked about Jungkook like that. It hurts so much...maybe I should just stop this all. Jungkook is like a diamond...my second chance at love...but

"Should I just kill myself then? Nobody wants me"

I wanted you.. Hoseok..why wasn't I enough for you? Before a tear can slip out my eye, the door opened and Jungkook crawled in wearing my large Gucci sweater, sweatpants and a red scarf that covered his mouth. He looked adorable it made me smile.

"You're wearing my shirt.." I said a little deeper than normal to try and scare him. He froze with wide eyes. "I-i-I'm sorry...its just that..i-i didn't have...I'm sorry.." He whimpered. I laughed out loud. He was too cute for words. "I'm joking, you're my mate, you can wear all of my clothing if you like." I smiled ruffling his hair. He blushed and relaxed a bit.

The car ride was a bit quiet until he broke the silence with an unusual question. "Why do you want Yoongi so bad?" He didn't look at me, he just kept looking straight ahead but I could the sadness in his voice.

"Oh yeah you don't know do you?" I had just realized, Jungkook doesn't know why I'm doing this at all. "Well, Jimin killed my mate you see." He gasped quietly as he shifted his head towards me. I chuckled at his cute reaction and continued. "Yep, my mate fell in love with him..but he rejected him so mercilessly and..it drove him to suicide."   I scrunched my nose at the memory and looked over at Jungkook. His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. "But Tae...I'm your mate?" He asked making me burst into a fit of loud laughter. 

  He is just too adorable, how is that possible. I wiped my tears and ruffled his hair. "You sure are my mate." I assured with a smile. I can't get enough of him.


 We made it to the doctor's and I filled out some paperwork before we sat in the waiting room. Jungkook latched his arm to mine and looked at me with a small pout. "Why are we here Taehyungie?" He asked in the most innocent way. I smiled "We're just going to get you checked out, stop worrying." "But I'm not pregnant I swear!" He said a bit too loudly. I growled in anger and held his jaw tightly. "Do you ever shut up? I don't care what you think, just sit here and don't say anything." I pushed him away harshly earning a whimper from him and fixed my shirt. He can act like a child sometimes


  "Yep, you're definitely are pregnant. Congratulations." The doctor smiled and rubbed Jungkooks shoulder. Shit! Fuck! He can't be pregnant now..we have so much going on. How am I supposed to care for the pups while....ugh fuck I'm such an idiot. I did my best to try and cover up my anger as I glared at Jungkook. So much for "I'm a beta."

 He looked at the doctor curiously. "But..my parents told me I'm a beta..I-I, all my life I've been believing I'm a beta.."  He shook his and clenched his fists against his thighs. Why would his parents feed him such lies, anyone could tell he was an omega by his scent. "I know why you would believe that. " She walked to her computer and pointed to a graph.

 "Your results surely came out positive for omega but the details show that you're physical capabilities excel that of an of omega, that's why at first glance you look like an alpha or beta and that's also the reason why you haven't experienced any pregnancy symptoms like vomiting. But they'll surely come." She smiled and looked at me.

 "Make sure you take care of him." She glared playfully and I smiled"For sure" 


 "Fuck Jungkook!! I fucking- Ugh!! This can't be happening. You just had to be pregnant now??" I screamed tightening my grip on the steering wheel. I wasn't thinking that day, fuck. This is all my fault...fuck fuck fuck. Jungkook was shaking in seat sobbing loudly while mumbling sorry's "Stop crying that isn't going to solve anything" I snapped "We're still going through the plan, do you understand!" I pulled his hair back along with his head as he sobbed and nodded aggressively. I let go of him and continued driving angrily.

 Him being pregnant isn't going stop me from getting my revenge...I'll just have to take care of the pups on the sidelines.....

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