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"YOUR HIGHNESS, the king is expecting you in his study."

I moaned inwardly and stood up. What does he want now?

"Thank you," I answered the butler - with poise, of course, or else I'll get scolded again as my mentor is here - and told him to leave. I walked chin up and with grace to my father's study, my mentor following me. She smiled slightly, seeming impressed with what I was doing.

When we reached the hallway leading to the study, the two guards stopped us. "This is a private place as the king said and only the princess or anyone summoned by the king is allowed," they said, looking at my mentor.

My mentor silently nodded and left. When she turned around the corner, I immediately got rid of my posture. I rubbed my back when it hurt from straightening my back too much a while ago.

I proceeded down the hallway and knocked on the mahogany door.

"Come in," my father's low voice said.

I pulled the doorknob down and pushed the door open, closing it behind me and looking at my father who was sitting on his desk, his hands clasped against each other and resting on top of the table. Seems like he has been waiting for my arrival.

Seconds of silence passed by. "Well? Aren't you going to sit down?" he gestured to the visitors' chair on the side of his table.

I hesitated and looked at the chair. I slowly approached it and sat down, my arms straight on my sides and my body tense.

I always act like this when I'm around him. I'm kinda uncomfortable in his presence.

He lifted his hand and I greatly flinched. I waited for something to happen, like his hands to move to my face or what.

Father repositioned his hands on his thighs and tilted his head, his eyes sparkling in amusement as he looked at me. "Why are you acting like that?" He chuckled at it.

Well maybe if you didn't do that thing last week I wouldn't be scared. I retorted back in my mind.

I composed myself and looked at the floor. Gosh, I can't even lift my eyes to meet his.

He frowned. "Look, dear, I'm sorry about last week-"

"It's okay," No it definitely is not. "I'm fine." I answered, making my voice calm and firm despite the fact that I almost choked out every word.

He sighed and nodded. "By the way, I just wanted to talk to you about your lessons with your mentor. Ahm, she reported to me that you were actually doing good and acting just like a princess should," he said and gave me a 'that's-the-way-you-should-do-it' smile.

I furrowed my eyebrows. For some reason I got pissed that he called me for this. "That's all?" I asked, hoping that he'd like to say more so my trip down here wouldn't be such a waste.

"Well, I found a groom perfect for you."

I take back what I said. I should've just left.

I gulped. "Pardon?" I asked. Stay calm, Isla. Stay calm.

"His name is Jaxxon Gregory Schauder, and he is the son of the queen and king of-"

"No!" I shouted, maybe a little bit too loud, and stood up then slammed my hand on the table. I definitely said I'll stay calm.

"Why? Is something wrong?" He asked and looked at me.

"Definitely there is!" I shouted angrily. "You can't dictate whom I will marry. I've got my own eyes to seek for the right man and I've got my own heart to tell who that is."

Father chuckled. "Isla, I'm afraid that reason of yours won't work. To us royalties, love is not a luxury but I responsibility. Its our responsibility to marry another royalty in order to strengthen our relationships with other countries, just like what happened to my parents."

"Well I don't care." I mentally cheered for myself inside my head as I said it with so much authority. "My life is different from my grand parents."

"Really?" He challenged me.

I smirked at him. "Of course it is, my dearest father. I'm not a kid anymore that you can order around."

And with that, for a dramatic ending, I walked out of his study leaving him there.


"NO, this can't be," I told Lucy, Mary, and Andy, my ever so loyal maids.

Lucy placed down a pair of silver high heels in front of me. "But your highness, it is what the king said."

I sighed, frustrated. I told them what father told me earlier in his study. I was expecting some kind of uplifting words from them but I guess not everyone close to you is always supportive at all times.

"So what if that's what he said? This is my life, and I am the one who decides what to do with it," I proudly said.

Mary met my eyes in the mirror as she brushed my hair. "But Your Highness, the king is doing this for you."

"Correct! Parents know what's best for you!" Andy seconded, picking out a gown from my wardrobe.

"No, I don't believe that," I opposed. "I believe that only you yourself knows what's best for you and not anyone even your parents, because only you knows the real you."

"But it is said, princess." Mary said, putting up my hair in a tight bun and curling my dangling baby hairs on the sides of my head.

I got dressed minutes later. I went down from my room and walked to the dining hall and sat down to my father's left.

I looked at the seat in front of me, where mom used to sit. I imagined her sitting there as I stared at the vacant chair, placing food on my plate instead of letting the maids do it.

I let my eyes follow the long dining table. It is a dining table for twelve people, the extra seats for visitors if there are any kinds of events. But if there is none, its just me and father sitting here, silently eating and seeming to not acknowledge each other's presence.

Sometimes I get sad thinking of the fact that only the two of us are occupying this dining table that can accommodate a dozen people. It reminds me of how alone we are.

"So," I jumped a bit when father spoke and cleared his throat. "The king and queen of Greece would be visiting here this coming weekend to talk about the upcoming wedding,"

"Is there really no way to change your mind?" I asked, hopeful that a miracle would happen and he would have pity for me.

"Jaxxon is a nice man," he said and swallowed his food. "He'll take good care of you."

"Having a caring and nice spouse is nonsense if you don't love him," I retorted.

He darted me a dangerous look. "Are we going to fight over this again, Isla? This is the best for you, my dear."

How dare you say that this is the best for me when you are deciding on my future even without my consent! I shouted in my head. My jaws clenched as I glared at him. This is not fair. I'm sick and tired of your over protectiveness!

"And besides, wouldn't it be better to have an arranged marriage? So that you wouldn't have to go through heartbreaks and such. It'll only distract you from serving your purpose as the future queen," he said.

I ignored what he said and ate as fast as possible. Talking to him to knock some sense into his mind that I disagree to his decision is a big part of my life wasted.

After dinner I went straight to my room and got ready to sleep. I lied down on my king sized bed, picking the bedsheets with my fingers, thinking about what father said.

I need to do something. This can't be.

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