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ANDY, MARY, AND LUCY weren't still over about what happened last night. So here I am, sitting in front of my dresser drawer with Demian's uniform on my lap while they help me get dressed and ask questions at the same time.

"Why were the both of you together last night?" Lucy asked as she placed my gown on the bed.

I rolled my eyes dramatically. "Oh, come on, you've been asking that since last night!" I raised my hands up in the air. "We were just talking!"

"And why do you have his uniform?" Andy, who was doing my hair, inquired.

"Because it was cold, so he offered me this so I won't get cold," I said, lightly extending my right arms that was holding the uniform.

Mary held the hem of the uniform after she placed my shoes down. "I'll go return this to him-"

"No!" I exclaimed and held the uniform close to my chest. "I'll do it myself."

Mary smiled teasingly and pinched my left cheek. "Finding an excuse to talk to him, huh?"

I blushed at the accusation. Nuh-uh, I just want to see him again.


I remained silent and mentally face palmed. Seriously, Isla? Be prim and proper! Act like a lady!

After getting dressed, I went downstairs and roamed around the place while our breakfast isn't ready yet.

I picked up my pace and walked faster when I saw Demian's friend walking on the palace grounds.

I raised my arm to wave. "Hey! Wait up!"

Some gardeners who were trimming the bushes turned to my direction. I quickly put my arm down and silently walked to Demian's friend.

"Yes, your majesty?" He said and gave me a kind smile.

"You're Demian's friend, right?" I asked.

"Yes, I am, your majesty," he answered politely, bending over his body a little bit to get his face in level with mine. "How may I help you?"

I giggled at his politeness. "Where is he?" I asked.

He straightened up and looked around. "Follow me, your majesty," he said.

"Just call me Isla," I said and we started walking.

"Thank you, my name is Garrett," he introduced himself and I nodded then smiled. He's kinda silly, to be honest.

"Ey, Demian!" He shouted when we got to the front gate. A figure standing by the gates turned to us and Garrett waved his hand.

When we got near for me to see Demian's face clearly, Garret put his hand down and gestured to me. "She's looking for you," he said, gave Demian a wide smile, then left.

Demian made a face at him and approached me. "Shouldn't you be having your breakfast?" He said.

I inhaled his minty scent as he stood close to me. He smells good.

"Uhm," I looked up at him and his eyes were already brown. "Why did you wear contacts? I like your red eyes better," I silently said, cautious that someone might hear us.

Demian chuckled, sending my heart into an emotional somersault inside my chest.

Come on, Demian. Stop being cute!

"I'll take it off when its only the two of us around," he said and somehow I felt euphoric. I love seeing his red eyes.

I extended out my arm that was holding his uniform. "Thank you," I said.

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