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ME AND DEMIAN patiently waited at the entrance of the palace for Marcelo. He's supposed to come at this time, the chief said yesterday that he managed to convince him to come.

The palace guards opened the gate. A black car came inside and I straightened my standing posture. The car stopped in front of us and the driver came out and opened the door for them.

"That's Marcelo," he said and pointed to the man that first came out of the car. He was a bit taller than Demian and he looks really young, like at his 30's or something.

"How old is he?" I whispered to Demian.

"32 years old," he answered. He is young.

Two other men came out from the car. They were muscular and tough but I also noticed that they were identical with each other.

"That's Baron and Skylar," he said, referring to the twins.

"They're muscular," I said and I saw Demian glare at me from the corner of my eye.

Marcelo walked to us. I wanted to go to him and greet him but he was giving me this murderous stare that sent chills down my spine. He's frightening.

He stopped walking in front of me and glared at me. I looked into his eyes and I stepped back in fear. Demian went in front of me and met his gaze.

Marcelo smirked and walked past us. My eyes followed them as they went inside. A butler escorted them upstairs to go to the meeting room.

"I'm scared of him," I said and he looked at me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Don't be, I'm here," he said and I smiled at him and nodded.

"Aren't we going with them?" I asked Demian when he didn't move.

"No, I don't think it'll be nice if we go there," he said.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Marcelo is really blunt, he says what he wants and he apparently hates you," he said. "So... No, we're not going in there. I might end up killing him if he makes you cry."

"But what about father?" I asked him. "Please, I'm worried about him. I promise I'll stay strong," I said and held Demian's hand.

He looked and sighed. "Fine. But I can't promise you that I'll hold back when he crosses the line," he said and went inside. I followed behind him and we went to the meeting room.

When we went inside we saw that they were already seated. Father was at the very front and Marcelo was seated at his right along with his two companions. The chief was at father's left along with Garrett. Me and Demian sat down beside Garrett.

Okay, Isla. Mean girl mode on.

"Marcelo, right?" Father spoke and he nodded.

"Look, Marcelo. I don't want to have more tension between us. I know that I did a mistake and I am personally asking you for forgiveness."

Marcelo looked at him. "Your apology can't bring back my wife's life, you bastard."

Strike one.

I drummed my fingertips on the table and leaned my elbow on the table amd placed my chin on my hand. I'm only counting to three, and then that's it.

I looked at father. He didn't seem too bothered about what Marcelo called him but he stayed quiet for about a minute. I know he's calming himself down.

"Marcelo," the chief called. "Please, don't be rude."

"So as I was saying," father continued talking. "I want to end this war. I know it won't be easy for your side and it won't be easy for me either. I swore to my wife I'll avenge her but I'm ready to forgive all of you. Please hear us out."

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