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THE MAN in front of us now kept on giving me a look of revulsion. It makes me self conscious and uncomfortable but I could do nothing except to squirm in my seat.

This man appeared to be their leader in this group. They call him chief around here and he seems really powerful and intimidating to other people. When they saw me earlier at the bonfire they started questioning Demian and Garrett why I was here and what am I doing here. They were so mad at me but when he showed up they immediately fell quiet.

His jaw clenched as he looked at Demian who was standing beside me. He seems so calm and composed while I'm over here, stressed out and terrified and a nervous wreck. Meanwhile, Garrett went and escorted the pregnant woman with a baby to her house. I hope she'll be okay.

"Why did you bring this woman here?" He spoke each and every word with disgust and hatred as he pointed at me as if I just murdered somebody.

"She's the one that helped us escape," Demian said. "She said she wanted to go with us here-"

"And you took her?!" I flinched when his voice suddenly got louder. "This woman doesn't belong here! What is she gonna do? Sit like a princess she is and do nothing? We don't need useless and despicable people in here, Demian!"

My lips quivered with his judgment of me and I was on the verge of tears again. I felt Demian discreetly squeezing my shoulder as I sat there with my legs tightly shut like a child being scolded. Well, maybe I actually am right now.

"She said she'll do anything she can to help us, we just need to teach her our ways and she'll be helpful to us. And besides, the king just beat her up, so I don't think it'll be really good for her to stay there," Demian said. I've been really touched of how he's defending me, he keeps assuring the chief that I won't be a problem to this village and it really makes me happy to hear that he trusts me.

The chief looked into his eyes. They were like having some kind of intense staring competition with each other. The chief soon gave up and looked away as he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Fine," he said in resignation. "But you, young lady," he said and gave me a sharp look. "You're in our territory, so that means that you are no longer a princess. You need to get your hands dirty and do some work."

"Y-yes," I said and nodded. The chief dismissed the both of us and we stepped out of his small hut.

I bowed down to avoid looking into people's eyes as some of them stared at me fiercely. They look like they would attack me suddenly.

The village was quiet but sad. People are mourning about the loss of their comrades. I found out last night that some of the rebel guards and maids were their friends, relatives, and some even had families and children waiting for them back here. It feels so sad to see them suffer like this under father's hands.

"Come on. I'll show you around," Demian walked forward and I followed him. Many people greeted him with momentarily happiness in their eyes, quickly fading as they walk pass us.

"This is the dining hall," Demian said and pointed at rectangular structure made of cement. We went in and saw rows of tables and benches inside. We entered the door at the back part of the hall and it lead into a big enough kitchen. There were a line of sinks in the right and some furnaces on the left.

Demian pointed at the sinks. "That's were half of the girls wash the dishes after we eat," he said. "They wash the dishes in groups, and you are in the group that is in charge at lunch."

I nodded. The plates and glasses are made of wood that were polished and smoothened, while the utensils were the ordinary stainless steel. That's actually pretty good, so that I won't destroy too much of the things since its my first time to wash the dishes.

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