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I DIDN'T know what to do or how to react when Demian suddenly kneeled down in front of me. I was panicking deep inside and my heart was going crazy. I held my breath as he reached inside his pocket while looking at me straight in the eye.

Is he... Is he going to propose to me?

Demian took out a small box from his pocket and placed it on his  left palm and showed it to me. He opened it with his right hand and I gasped when I saw mom's engagement ring inside, a stunning ring with an oval sapphire in the middle that were surrounded by diamonds.

"W-why do you have that..." I breathlessly said. I can't believe this. Am I dreaming?

"Like what I said, I don't know how to do this," Demian said.

I smiled at him. Tears of joy fell down from my cheeks as I waited for him to continue.

"But... If there's one thing I want to tell you right now, it's that I love you so much and I want to show you that by giving to you this ring, that'll be the symbol of me dedicating my whole life to you," he said. I nodded and sobbed. My lips quivered as I smiled at him. I'm just in so much bliss right now.

"You changed my life, completely. At the very first all I really wanted was to see your father suffering and to have revenge on him. My heart was filled with anger and hatred for him, but when I met you I suddenly started feeling kinds of emotions that I didn't feel too much before. You took down the walls I built around me, you freed my heart from the cage where I trapped it in. You made me a normal human again and not some kind of robot walking around with only one purpose in life. I never thought I'll fall in love with you."

"It's been months since we met, and up until now I'm still paranoid. And now, I want to give you this ring so the whole world knows that you're mine and mine alone. I know that there's others out there who deserve you more than I do, but I can't bear it to just let you go. My heart would always be longing for your presence. I would always want to be with you more than anyone else in this world. I want you to be officially mine, Isla. I want you to walk around the streets and be featured on newspapers and when they see you the first thing that comes to their mind is that you're already taken. That's what I want to happen, I want to show the whole world how lucky I am that I got the chance to be yours and for you to be mine."

"So, Isla Renee Eloise N. Schneider, will you marry me?" He asked and I laughed through the tears and nodded.

"Yes, I will," I said and offered my left hand to him. He took it in his hand and removed the ring from the box and slipped it onto my ring finger. He stood back up and I tiptoed to hug him.

I laughed when he lifted me up and swung me around in a circle. He placed me back down on my feet and leaned down and pressed his forehead against mine. I grabbed his face and pressed my lips onto his.

Demian held my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We shared a slow and gentle kiss between the both of us. It was the most magical moment of my life ever, the man whom I love proposing to me and sharing a kiss with me under the stars.

We pulled away from each other. He nipped on the tip of my nose with his lips and smiled.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too," I answered and wiped away my tears. He kissed my forehead and let go of me and grabbed my hand with the engagement ring. He looked down on it and rubbed the surface of the ring with his thumb.

"Did father give this to you?" I asked and sniffed.

He nodded. "Yes, he did," he said. "He told me it was your mother's engagement ring."

I pressed my left cheek against his chest and looked down on the ring. I brought it closer to my face and observed it carefully, remembering each and every one of it's details.

"I love you so much, baby," he said and wrapped his arms around my body. "You're a Godsend to me."

"You're also a Godsend to me," I said and leaned on him. "You came to me when I was alone and you always take care of me and love me and look after me and I really appreciate that, it makes me feel happy. I wish you'll never get tired of loving me and taking care of me and understanding me every time I over think again."

"Of course, baby," he said and caressed my face softly, smiling kindly at me. "It's one of the things I'll always do for you."

"I'm very lucky I found you," I whispered to him.

Demian shook his head. "I think I'm luckier."

We hugged each other again and held hands. He kept caressing the sapphire on the ring as we returned to the palace.

Father greeted us as we went inside. "What happened?" He asked and looked down on my left hand.

I smiled at him. I let go of Demian's hand and walked to him and embraced him and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, father," I told him. "I love you, I'm sorry if I don't tell you that more often. I'm sorry for everyrhing I've done," I said and tightened my grip.

He hugged me back. "It's alright, dear. I understand. And you don't have to say sorry, it's actually more who's done so many sins to you. I hope you forgive me for all of those someday," he said and pulled away from me. He kissed my forehead and it was like somebody reached into my body and touched my heart and caressed it. It's been so long since we talked like this to each other, I missed it so much.

"I'm happy for you, Isla. I know that he'll take care of you and love you until the end of his life," he said and smiled at me.

He looked behind me. "Take care of her, young man," he told Demian.

He nodded. "Yes, sir."

"Don't call me sir, you can call me dad or father, too," father said.

"Okay, father," I giggled when Demian said it. It sounds good to hear coming from him.

"That's better. Go upstairs now and take a rest," father said. Me and Demian nodded and we went upstairs and went into out own rooms.

When I got there I saw Andy, Lucy, and Mary. I closed the door bwhind me and went to them.

"How did the date go?" Mary asked.

I showed them my left hand. "He proposed to me!" I beamed at them.

Their mouths fell open as they look at the ring and back at me.

We all got quiet for a while. Then, they suddenly squealed as if awakening from a daze and came to me and hugged me.

"We're so happy for you!" Lucy and Andy chorused. I hugged them tightly and we just spent a short while like that.

When they pulled away I smiled at them. "Thank you," I said. "Thank you for everything."

"Yeah... It's really happy to see you now grown up and getting married soon," Mary said and smiled. "It's just kuke yesterday when you were only 13 years old and is still discovering things about being a teenager."

"Yes, I miss that too," Andy said and I laughed a bit. They've been my maids ever since I was 12 years old. They became like my second mother, they always take care of me and they helped me cope up with all the things that came during my teenage years. I owe so much to them.

"Oh, come on, I'm gonna cry," Lucy said and wiped her watery eyes. The three of us laughed and she smiled along with us, too.

"You're really lucky to find a man like him, princess. We're so happy for the both of you," Andy said and I nodded and smiled at her.

"Please let us take care of your babies," Mary pleaded and my cheeks heated up as they began to tease me.

"Yeah, yeah. Of course," I said and they cheered. They ushered me further into the room and made me sit on the bed, taking out my clothes to get ready for the night.

Best night of my life, ever.

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