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"OKAY, DONE!" I opened my eyes and looked at Ms. Charry who is now wrapping my left leg in bandage again. She just removed my stitches today.

Demian wrapped his arms around my belly. He was lying down on the clinic bed and is leaning his back on the wall. I was lying down on top of him, my back against his chest. I leaned my head on his collarbone and be kissed my hair.

Ms. Charry looked up at us and smiled. "You two look really sweet together," she said and arranged the first aid kit. "I'm happy for the both of you."

"Thank you," I said and smiled back at her. She nodded and went to the room at the back to keep the first aid kit.

I rolled to the side of the bed and sat up. I'm so happy that the stitch is now removed. Ms. Charry said that I should be still careful with my movements, but at least I can walk now and do something again. I'm really getting bored staying at home.

Ms. Charry came back. We thanked her and left the clinic.

Demian put an arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. I tensed up a bit in his touch. He's so clingy to me sometimes but I like it even though I get really shy.

"What's happening to you?" He asked me and kissed my cheek. My cheeks heated up and I bowed my head in embarrassment. I'm still really not used to PDA. My mentor has always taught me that I should be conservative and reserved as the princess and act like a proper lady.

"Why do you always blush when I touch you?" Demian asked, his eyes sparkling with engrossment.

"Because I'm not used to it," I said. "And this is PDA. What we're doing right now is the exact opposite of what my mentor taught me."

"But you're not in the palace anymore," his hands went down to my waist and my shoulders jerked upwards, making him laugh a bit. "So that means that you don't have to follow what your mentor told you anymore."

"Yeah, but I just really got used to it, you know? Like, its a part of my instinct now," I said.

We got in his house. We entered the bedroom and I lied down on the bed and yawned. Its still pretty early in the morning.

"Sleepy?" Demian asked and I nodded. He lied down beside me and made me face him.

He stared at me passionately and started tracing his index finger on the side of my face down to my jawline. His touch was loving and tender, sending sparks into each part of my body. I felt like I would melt at how intense he looked at me, it was like as if he was memorizing each and every detail on my face.

"Demian, what are you doing?" I aaked him.

"I love you," he whispered and ran his thumb of my lower lip. I suddenly got scared. Why is he acting like this? Its like this'll be the last time he'll ever see me.

"I-I love you too," I said and he gave me a benevolent smile. I don't know why but I still can't get off that sinking feeling inside my my chest. Why do I feel like something's not right? Am I just over thinking?

"I need to tell you something."

I gulped. No... What is he going to tell me? Is it something bad?

My throat suddenly became dry. "W-what is it?" I asked, my voice cracking and shaking.

"I need to go out of the village tomorrow.." He trailed off. "The chief is planning on another attack, and we're currently low on weaponries.... We know someone who can give us weapons, he's the brother of the chief and he works as an armorer in the navy and supports us with what we do that's why he also makes some for us and gives it to us for free.." He said. "And we're going out tomorrow to pick it up."

I held my breath. They're going out? But, what if someone sees them? What is someone recognizes them? What if they get caught? What if things go wrong? What if—

"Hey.." He held my shoulders and squeezed them a bit. "Calm down.. You're panicking. It'll be alright, okay? It won't take long."

I shook my head in fear. No... No... I'm scared, I'm too afraid to let him go. I'm sure father is now searching for him and his men are scattered everywhere, what if they encounter some of his men and they're not aware of it because they're in disguise? And besides, Caden said when he recently came back here that father said on an interview that he has reached out to different police stations all over Illeà to help find Demian and Garrett. He also said that he'll give a thousand dollar reward to those who can specifically point where they are. So what if someone tells on them?

My heart started thumping wildly inside my chest. My whole body shook as I started to feel like the space around is me closing in, suffocating me. I felt great amount of pressure on my chest and I started gasping for air.

"Hey, hey, hey," Demian sat up and rubbed my arms. He made me sit up and he kneeled down on the bed and opened the window above the bed.

I felt the gentle blow of the wind on my skin. Demian sat back down beside me and rubbed my back. I hugged my knees close to my chest and placed my chin on my knees.

"Hey. Calm down," he said. I closed my eyes and took a couple of deep breaths to calm down. My hands were shaking terribly and I looked down on them.

Demian held my hands and made me look up into his eyes. "Calm down, okay? Calm down."

I nodded and bit my lower lip. He messaged the palm of my hands and I tried my best to calm myself down and push away any kind of negative thoughts. Whoo. I can do this. Come on, Isla.

I managed to calm myself down a few moments later.

I looked up at him. "D-Demian, please don't go..." I begged and his expression softened.

"Baby..." He passionately said and kissed my forehead. "Its alright, okay? It won't take too long. Don't worry, okay? We've done this before many times already, we'll be fine."

I shook my head. "N-no... D-don't go, please... I-its too risky and I don't want to lose you—"

"Shh," he said and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him tightly and cried on his shoulder. No... I don't want to let him go... I'm too scared, I'm too paranoid.. I don't know if I'll be able to handle it.

"I'll be fine, alright? I promise," he pulled away and made me look into his eyes. They were filled with sincerity and love.

I bit my lip. "H-how long would it take?"

"About an hour and a half or so. His house is pretty far away and we still need to bring it over here," he said. An hour and a half? Will I be able to wait that long?

I clenched my chest on the area where my heart is. More hot tears ran down my face. I'm so scared. I really feel like something will happen.

"Hey, are you alright?" he asked me worriedly. I looked away and pressed him lips into a straight line.

"W-what if you guys aren't still here after an hour and a half?" I asked in between sobs, my voice shaking again.

"Then there's probably a bit of delay," he said.

"W-what if I panic?" I asked again.

"I'll ask Garrett to look after you," he answered and placed his hand on my shoulder. It seems like he's so decided.

"Do you really have to go?" I asked him.

He gave me a sad look and nodded. "Yes.. I'm the right hand of the chief... So I need to help him with this."

I nodded and took a deep breath. I turned to him and looked into his eyes. "P-please wake me up before you leave."

He nodded and smiled. "Yes, baby. I will. I promise."

I nodded and looked down. I just have to trust him... I just have to have faith that'll everything will be okay. I just hope I manage to not lose my marbles while he's gone.

We lied back down on the bed. We hugged each other tightly, our bodies pressed against each other and our limbs tangled up with each other.

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