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TO KEEP MYSELF busy, I sketched some gown designs on my sketch pad. I've dreamed of becoming a fashion designer ever since I was young. But from that moment on, I knew that it was impossible. I was informed at a young age that I will be the heiress to the throne one day. The normal rule is that the throne shall be only passed to the son, but since I'm an only child, there would be no choice but for me to be the heir.

Many times have I asked my parents before for some freedom, on my birthdays and every Christmas. I ask them if they could give me a certain period of time to have the freedom to roam around the streets in commoner clothes, or maybe allow me to pursue my dream. Mom was supportive, but father kept on declining my wish.

I placed down the color pencil on the table and stared at my work. It was a sketch of a simple gown with a midnight blue color.

Mom had always loved the color of midnight blue. She says that for some reason, she had always been attracted to the deeper and darker shades, and that the color gives her a soothing feeling.


I jolted in my seat and ran to the window. What was that?

My eyes were frantically moving from one place to another, desperate to see a glimpse from what was happening. I can hear faint shouts of voices in the distance.

I ran out my bedroom and proceeded down the hallway leading downstairs. There, I saw some panicked maids and butlers hustling around.

"What's happening-"

"Princess! The rebels are here! You must go to your father and hide, quick!" Andy appeared on my left and held my arm. Her hands were cold and sweaty.

"H-huh?" I mumbled out. Rebels? Why would they dare attack us?


Everyone in the hallway reflexively ducked when the loud and frightening sound of a bomb was heard. The ground shook a bit as it set off.

They got bombs?

"Princess, you are not safe here. Go now, quick!" Andy said and helped stand up, then escorted me to the set of stairs leading back upstairs.

"But what about you?" I asked her back but she was already lost in my eyes.

Though hesitant to go without my nanny, I fled up the stairs and rushed to my father's study.

More shouts and even shrieks were audible to my ears, hinting me that the rebels were already close and are near to the entrance. Deafening shouts of mixed commands from the guards and rebels along with the sound of gunshots and pandemonium sends fear in my heart.

I ran and ran, holding the sides of my gown that is weighing me down. I was surprised when I suddenly fell down.

My— uhm, butt —hit the floor and I winced when I felt my bones taking impact from the fall.

I looked up and was shocked when I saw a pair of red eyes staring back at me. What? Red eyes?

I didn't get a chance to study the person's face, because the first thing I noticed is the shotgun he was holding.

I immediately stood up and extended my arms in a defensive stance. "No, please, don't hurt me," I pleaded.

The man furrowed his eyebrows and when he saw my tiara at the top of my head, he screamed to his left.

"The princess is here!" My heart almost fell down from its place as he shouted.

"N-no, don't," I said. I ran away from him even though I'm not sure where to go, since the red-eyed man's comrades are coming are way.

I shrieked when someone grabbed my hand. I turned around, ready to hit the person with all the strength I've got, when I saw a palace guard.

"Princess, let me escort you to your father," he said and I desperately nodded. At the corner of my eyes I saw a group of soldiers fighting and exchanging gunshots with the rebels. The man with red eyes was nowhere to be seen.

Why the hell am I looking for him?


I SAT DOWN on a chair in the corner and leaned my elbows on the table. Father is pacing back and forth on the other side of the room, probably agonizing on what was happening outside.

Our hideout is composed of a bedroom sized room, with three separate beds, a radio, some walkie talkies, first aid kit, extra clothes, a bathroom, and a food storage. There is a secret passageway in father's study that leads to here, while passageway to the hideout of the maids and butlers are in their quarters.

"How did they attack?" I asked out of the blue. "I thought our troops already made them surrender after the accident many years ago, but why are they attacking again?"

Father stopped moving, stood still and looked at me. "The head of the palace guards gave me a quick report earlier, saying that some of the guards betrayed us and chose to gave their loyalty to the rebels, but still chose to stay as a palace guard to use it for their advantage. The reason they got bombs and advanced weaponries because some of their members disguised as a palace guard and stole our weapons," the words were quickly spat out from his mouth, making me almost not understand it clearly.

I ducked my head between my elbows. The last time the rebels attacked us was about 10 years ago, which caused my mother's death.

I was just 8 years old at that time, defenseless and useless as the rebels cornered me and my mother. She protected me even though it was evident in her eyes that she was scared. She shielded me and made me feel her love until her last breath, the last moment she was able to speak before the rebels sliced of her head.


"I love you.." She sobbed and placed a light peck on my temple. "My baby...take care of yourself, and be a good girl."

"NOO!" I was unable to move in horror when her body suddenly feel away from me, her sliced head rolling of the tiled floor. My heart ached as I stared at her blood that was pouring out from her body. I shut my eyes and cried, unable to stand the sight of her fresh flesh sticking out from her neck.

-End of flashback-

Everything that happened next to that was a blur to me. Ever since her death, the images of her dead body kept haunting my mind. I was often absentminded, which always lead me to danger. My father had me checked up to a psychiatrist, since I couldn't speak properly as I remember the accident.

I was able to get over the trauma, but I still miss my mother. Me and my father were not even that close to begin with, we talk to each other formally and I get awkward around him. There are even times when I don't want him around as I feel suffocated and watched if he's there.


I was awoken from my daze. I looked at the door and saw father opening it. It was silent outside.

"Let's go," father said. I stood up and walked out our hideout.

When we got back into the palace, almost everything that was placed upright were already scattered on the ground. The vases and chandeliers were shattered and their ruins were on the ground. I lifted my gown a bit, careful not to take some of the bits with me.

"Escort the princess to her room," father commanded the palace guard.

"Yes, your majesty," the guard answered, his head hung low. Father nodded at him and went somewhere. I lead the way to my bedroom, the guard following behind me.

Before I went inside my bedroom, I whipped my head around to look at the guard and ask him where my nannies are.

"By the way, where are my-" I gasped in shock when I saw a pair of red eyes. The man earlier!

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