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"HAVE YOU found her?" The king asked the private investigator that he hired. It has been two weeks since Isla has been missing and he still doesn't have a clue where she is.

The private investigator looked down in fear. "N-no, your majesty. I haven't found her yet. I have pulled all of my connections to look for her but it seems like she's not in this area," he said which caught the king's attention. "She might've went to one of the provinces in Illeà."

The king pondered over what the private investigator said. Right now there are two possible answers to the question about where her daughter went; its either she escaped from the palace or she was with those two bastards. He has thought of it that maybe his own daughter was the one that helped those two escape, they were hee so called 'friends' after all. If that's the case, then he needs to find Isla real quick or else this will be another hindrance to his plans.

"You may go," the private investigator bowed down at him and left. He sighed and sat down on his chair and rubbed his temples. He doesn't understand why her daughter is friends with those rebels when they're the ones who killed her mother. He feels like her daughter just betrayed him.

He stood up and went outside of his study. He went to Isla's room amd entered, closing the door behind him.

He looked around at the currently unoccupied room. He does feel lonely and different deep inside to not see his daughter inside of this room, designing gowns and dresses in the corner on her sketchpad.

He walked to the study table in the corner where colored pencils and other art materials are scattered. There was a book filer on the corner of the table were various sketchpads were placed and neatly storaged. He picked up one of the sketchpads and opened it. Its pages were a bit yellowing at the edges because of how old it already was. He guessed that this was probably one of the sketchpads she had when she was around seven, the drawings inside were still a bit messy and the coloring inside wasn't that good.

He put it back and picked up one of the recent ones. He flipped through it and smiled to himself as he saw the beautiful designs of dresses and gowns and some tuxedos and suits. They were really elegant and would fit the taste of a royal.

He was impressed. He knew that Isla actually had a potential to pursue what she wanted to be, but he didn't want to allow her because he wants her to focus on the preparation to be the heir.

He placed the sketchpad back and turned around. He remembered the last time Isla was here, that time when he beat her up.

The king knew to himself that he wasn't a good father to Isla. He admits that he has neglected her ever since his wife died, but still, he loves Isla very much and he wants her to be in good hands, that's why he thinks that letting her marry the prince of Greece would be a perfect idea. But before that happens he needs to take revenge first.

His hands balled into fists and shook at his sides. He wants to crush them, they murdered his wife mercilessly and he wants to wipe out their whole clan. He swears that he's not gonna leave a single one of the rebels alive after he's done with them. He wants to see them suffer as much as he and Isla did.

He went outside Isla's room and went back into his study. He summoned the  chief guard of the palace for a report.

"My men already let everyone in the city know of the rebels who escaped. We also reached out to the different police stations all over Illeà and told them to spread the wanted posters and they said that people have been coming to them and telling them that they saw the rebels a few days ago but no one could give their specific location," the chief guard said. The king leaned his elbows on the table and pressed his palms together.

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