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I WENT down the dining hall to have breakfast. I've already dropped my act for today and I can now move normally.

I sat down on father's right. A maid came to me and placed down some food on my plate. I wonder how's Demian. Have they fed him yet? I should try and visit him again later. I still need to write my first letter to Caden, though. I'll just visit him first.

"How are you feeling?" I was about to start eating when father asked me. I looked at him and he was eating, looking down on his food.

"I'm already fine," I said. He nodded and I started eating. After he finished eating he stood up and left me alone on the dining table, walking ahead and turning to the stairs leading down. Is he going to the dungeon?

My heart pounded hard in my chest like a drum being hit. My hands started trembling slightly and I began eating as fast as I can, gulping down water every now and then to help push the food down my throat. The food was nice and all but I really need to speed up my eating before something happens to Demian.

When I finished I left the dining hall and sprinted down the stairs. It was hard to keep my footing and there were times were I would slip and nearly fall down the stairs because of the heavy cloth of the gown I was wearing. I have fo lift it up everytime I run or sprint.

When I got there I was already sweating and out of breath. I stood still before the entrance and took deep breaths. Soon I entered inside. The guards weren't there so I easily got in.

I walked to Demian's cell with my heart pounding heavily inside my chest. As I approached the door I could hear something clinking inside. What are they doing?

I pushed the door open and stepped inside. I saw father standing to the side of the door with his hand behind his back. He was watching the guards strap Demian's wrists on the metal handcuffs that were attached to the wall. He was wearing nothing from waist up.

He looked at me. "You wanna watch?"

I gave him a horrified look. "W-what are you going to do?"

He looked back at the front and smiled to himself. "Go ahead and see for yourself."

I gulped. I looked back in front and saw that they had already held Demian in place. He was kneeling down on the floor and he was looking at me in the eyes. I shook my head and I saw him smile a little, as if he was assuring me that everything will be okay.

One of the guards took out something from their pocket. It was a long, black whip.


Father stepped forward to get closer. "20 hits."


"Yes, your majesty," the guard and answered and went behind Demian. He bowed down his head.

The guard raised his hand that was holding the whip. He brought it down with force, a snapping sound echoing in the room as the whip hit against the bare skin on his back. Demian's body lurched forward and a muffled groan escaped from his mouth.

As the whip kept hitting him it was like I could feel the pain myself. My heart is clenching in pain everytime I see him getting hit and every time he groans. My hands were shaking and my legs were feeling weak. I was silently sobbing behind father's back. I clasped my hands over my mouth to stifle my whimpers and cries, crying quietly as I stood there and watch them hurt him. I feel so useless doing nothing and just watching. Demian maintained eye contact with me throughout the whole torture. His red eyes were calm and reassuring.

No. I can't take this anymore. I can't just watch here and do nothing! They're hurting the love of my life! No.. He doesn't deserve this.

Demian closed his eyes and he let out a loud groan. His head hung low, sweat dropping down from his forehead. I brought my hands down and clutched the skirt of my gown. I need to stop this. I can't let this happen!

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