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I ROUSED from my sleep when I heard some gunshots from outside. They sounded like they were coming from pretty far away, but they were still audible to my ears.

I sat up on my bed and put my slippers on. What's going on? Why are there gunshots?

I could also hear some yelling. I quickly rubbed my eyes and scrambled my way to the door, twisting the doorknob and pulling it back. I went outside and sprinted my way downstairs.

The cold midnight breeze embraced my skin as I made my way to the courtyard. I rubbed my arms to keep them warm, and I saw a group of people from afar. I walked to them and stopped when I got a clear view of what was going on.

I gasped. More than ten maids and guards altogether where kneeling down on the grass, hands behind their back and their heads bowed down while father was walking in front of them with two guards on either side of him, holding a gun. The other maids and palace guards were also standing on the side and watching the commotion.

I walked a bit closer and moved to the side so they wouldn't notice me that much. I wiped away my hair that was getting in my face because of the strong blow of the wind. What's going on?

"Who is in charge in this plan?!" I heard father shout. None of them answered which angered father even more. My eyes widened when father shot dead the maid that was in the far right corner of the queue they had. A few of the other maids flinched at that.

"Answer me!" Father shouted again, his thundering voice piercing through the middle of the silent night. One guard looked up that was the second to the first. My heart started beating fast when I saw his pair of remarkable red eyes.

Oh no...

"I am," he said, lifting his head and facing straight ahead. Father looked at him and smirked, walking to him.

"And who do you think you are? You really dare to go up against me?" Father questioned him. I was getting panicky in my spot. What if he shoots him or something?

"All we want is simple," Demian started off calmly. "Fix the problems that you gave us—"

I squeaked silently when I heard another loud gunshot. Another guard kneeling down fell onto the ground, a bullet through his head. Tears started to fall from my eyes as the night my mother died came flashing back into my mind.

"You really think I would do that?" Father laughed at him. "No, you killed my wife, and you must pay the consequences."

He aimed his gun on Demian's chest and I started running across the gap between us. Though my legs were shaking and it was cold I still kept running, desperate to stop Father. My legs moved as fast as I could as I ran like I was running for my life. No, not Demian. He's important to me. I can't lose someone close to my heart again.

"No! Stop!" I shouted with all of my voice when I was a few feet away from Demian. I leaped in the air and landed on him, clutching onto his shoulders and fully blocking his body. I heard a loud gunshot and I closed my eyes when I felt something burrying deep inside my body, ripping into my skin and going deep inside my flesh.

More tears came down from my eyes. I felt his large hands gripping on my waist and he was calling my name, but the wound hurts so much I was barely able to open my eyes. I let out a few whimpers as the wound started burning.

"No... Hey, stay strong," Someone brushed my hair away from ny face and cupped my cheek. I knew it was Demian, even though we've only been together for a short time I've already grown familiar of his touch, of how his hands were so rough but feels good to hold. Its big compared to my tiny, thin hands.

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