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IT'S BEEN almost been three months or so since I got discharged from the hospital. We have officially won and ended the battle against the rebels. Things are now more peaceful between all of us. Isla is now okay, she has gotten over her trauma from what happened. Everything's almost complete, but there's still one thing that's missing.

"So you're gonna have a date with her?" Garrett asked and placed the mug if coffee in front of me. A few weeks after the battle ended he moved in his house where we all three used to stay in when we escaped from the palace. I came and visited him for a little catch up.

"Yeah, on the garden," I said. "It's actually our very first date," I said and sipped from the mug. The bitter taste of the coffee lingered in my mouth as it traveled down my throat.

Garrett sat down in front of me and nodded and sipped from his mug. He placed it down in the table and looked up at me. "For how many months you've been together? Five?"

"Six," I corrected him. "Six months."

"Do you even know anything about each other?" He asked me.

"Of course!" I confidently answered. "When she gets anxious or worried, she frowns and looks down on the floor and then when she gets shy or embarrassed, she bows her head down and her face turns so red, when she's nervous or guilty and tells me about how she feels she bites her lip, and when she gets mad she pouts a little bit and then furrows her eyebrows," I said and laughed at the last part. She really looks cute when she does that. She looks like a 5 year old kid with tantrums.

Garrett nodded and looked down on his mug as he traced it's mouth with his index finger. Then he looked up at me. "I'm happy for you."

"You don't look happy," I joked and he gave me a small smile.

"By the way, how have you been so far?" I asked him.

"Hmm... Most of the times I'm just in here, sometimes I go out and apply for some jobs," he said.

"What jobs?" I asked him.

"Hmm... I applied as a barista in this coffee shop... They were asking for someone who has experience and I thoufh I'll give it a try since I had experience from when I was studying in college," he said and I nodded.

I drank all the coffee in the mug and set it down on the table. "I need to go," I said and stood up.

Garrett chuckled and nodded. "Good luck, you need it."

"Thanks," I said and exited his house. I went back to the palace and stayed inside my room.

I took a bath and changed into an elegant black suit. I smoothened the blazer and fixed my hair nervously in front of the mirror. I haven't even practiced what I'm going to say yet.

Before I left I made sure to take my gift for her with me. I secured it in my pocket and exited my room and walked to hers.

My body feels so tensed up. My legs were trembling and my hands were getting cold. Geez.

I approached Isla's bedroom door and knocked on it. The door opened and I saw her standing inside of the room, all dressed and ready.

She stepped outside and I made space for her and she stood in front of me and closed the door behind her. She looked up at me. "I was waiting for you."

I nodded and forced out a small smile. I placed my arm around her shoulders and pulled her close as we marched down the stairs to go to the garden.

When we got there her eyes widened and her lips crackrd into a smile. There were red and pink rose petals scattered on the ground with a tavke and two chairs under an oak tree. Yellow Christmas lights and little lamps were hanging on its branches, serving as a light over the table. It was already almost dawn and the dark night sky with violet and orange wisps were blending in beautifully with the lights.

She lookee at me. "This is nice.."

"You like it?" I asked and she nodded. I guuded her to the table and pulled out a chair for her to sit on. Once she was settled I sat down in front of her.

"Why are you so quiet?" She asked and looked at me. I crossed my ankles over each other under the table.

"Uhm, it's our first date," I said. "So, yeah... Kinda nervous."

"But we already know each other so it's fine," she said. "What we're doing right now is like eating in the garden that's been redecorated."

"You sure?" I raised my left eyebrow at her and smiled slyly.

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Why, are you up to something?" she asked.

I shrugged looked away. "You'll see."

I said from the corner of my eye how she pouted and but her lip. She looked to her right and her eyes kept wandering everywhere.

A butler came in bringing a large tray that contained our food. He walked to us and set the plates down on the table in front of us. It was a garlic butter steak, scalloped potatoes and bacon avocado Caesar salad. He set down the wine on the table and left us.

"What are we going to do after this?" Islas asked as we started eating. I cut in to the steak, it's juice coming out. I put a piece in my mouth and looked at her.

I swallowed the food. "Secret," I said and smirked. She frowned and cut into the steak harshly.

"You're teasing me again," she whined like a kid.

"Just wait, baby. Okay?" I said. She glanced at me and nodded.

After we ate all the food I stood up and held her hand. I pulled her towards me and she stood up.

I hugged her tightly. My heart started beating fast again and my knees were feeling weak. Is this even the most convenient way to do it?

"I love you. You know that, right?" I whispered into her ear.

She cocked her head up a bit to place her chin on my shoulder. "Of course, why?"

I laughed anxiously. "I don't even really know how to do this," I said. I'm actually so clueless right now. Should I just do it straight away, or should I tell her how much I love her and all that

I was surprised when Isla quickly pushed away my chest. I let go of her and saw her staring back at me with wide eyes that were filled with horror.

"What's wrong?" I asked and gave her a puzzled look.

"A-are you breaking up with me?" she asked and I was left dumbfounded. Her thinking never really ceases to amaze me. It goes to great lengths.

"What? No," I said and furrowed my eyebrows. "Why did you even think about that?"

She looked down on her feet. "Sorry, I just suddenly though you were... I'm over thinking again..."

I just sighed and pressed my lips on her forehead for a few seconds. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down my racing heart. I kneeled down on the ground, my right knee up. I looked up at her and reached inside my pocket.

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