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I SPRINTED around the palace to look for Isla. Where did that devil take her?

Luckily Caden arrived earlier and helped me. The situation is getting worse, more and more people have died. I haven't seen the king or Garrett or even the chief.

I kept turning my head left and right in hopes to see Isla. I immediately kill anyone that comes across my way and tries to stop me. I'm so worried it could make me go crazy. Who knows what Marcelo has done to her right now?

I went to the 2nd floor. I started opening the doors of every room I pass by. I reached Isla's room and tried to open it but it was locked. I pressed my ear on the door and my heart skipped a beat when I heard muffled wails coming from the inside.

I quickly brought out my gun and shot the doorknob. It got destroyed after two shots and I stepped inside.

My blood boiled in anger. Marcelo was lying on top of Isla, touching her body and kissing her neck. Isla was crying in fear. I balled my hands into fists and charged to them.

"You bastard!" I grabbed him by the collar and punched his face. I didn't give him a single chance to fight back, I'm so livid I want to kill him with my own punches and kicks. All I want to do is to hurt him and see him suffer and crawl on the ground covered in his own blood.

I grabbed anything near to me and hit his head with it. He lost his consciousness and his limp body fell on the ground.

I looked behind me and ran to Isla who was sitting up on the bed and crying. She was covering herself with a blanket. I pulled it down and saw that her gown was already halfway down her body. I helped her get it back on properly and hugged her tight and shushed her. Her body was trembling so bad and she kept on gasping for air. Her hands were so cold and she looks so scared.

"Shh... Shh," I rubbed her back. "Deep breaths."

Isla nodded and inhaled and exhaled. She closed her eyes and I held her hands in my one hand and wiped her tears away with my other hand.

She calmed down soon after but she was still shaking. I assisted her to get up on her feet and we went outside of her room.

"F-father," she whimpered.

I looked behind at her. "Yes, I'll go look for him, okay? But we need to take you in a safe place first."

As I kept walking she stayed close behind me. I got my gun ready and shot everyone I come across, I can't do a hand to hand combat with them. I need to stay close to Isla.

"Garrett!" I called when I saw him on the other and of the corridor. He turned around and ran to us.

"Where's the king?" I asked him.

"I'm also actually looking for him, I lost him and the chief a while ago," he said. "But Marcelo's men are now decreasing bit by bit, most of them are spread across the first floor right now."

Garrett peeked behind me and looked at Isla who was hiding behind my back and hugging me. "Why does she look traumatized? Is she alright?"

I gritted my teeth in anger. "Marcelo molested her," I hissed. "He's in her room. Go to him and make sure he doesn't escape."

"Okay," Garrett said and walked past us. I looked at Isla who was now looking down on the ground and hugging herself.

I kissed her forehead and she looked up at me, fear and terror in her eyes. I wrapped an arm around her protectively and she snuggled closer to me.

"Let's look for the king, alright?" She nodded and I held her hand and started to walk forward. We went down the stairs and I let her go first in front of me. She was so scared I have to push her a bit forward every time she stops and hesitates.

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