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HOLDING A towel, robe, and some clothes in my hand, Demian took me back to the river. I am really looking forward to this, I've never experienced to take a bath in a river... And especially in an open space.

"You're gonna leave me here, right?" I asked Demian when we reached the river. Its water was gleaming against the moonlight, making the water sparkle.

"Do you want me to join you?" I got surprised when he said that. I wasn't able to react for a minute and just stared at him. What? He's gonna take a bath with me? But he doesn't have any extra clothes..

Oh come on, Isla! You know that's not the problem!

I mentally face palmed. Really, Isla? You're worrying about the fact that he doesn't have extra clothes? Well what about the fact that he's gonna see you naked? You're not worried about that?

"Uhm, no... not really.." I trailed off and pursed my lips, bouncing on my feet. This is really awkward.

"Why not?" his voice got low all of a sudden and sounded like he was out of breath. I looked at him and his eyes were dark as he looked at the river and then into my eyes.

"B-because you're gonna see me naked... A-and that's not right.." I stuttered in front of him. He turned his body towards me and started walking into my direction. I backed off but he managed to trap me when my back pressed onto a tree trunk.

A/N: Warning. Read the upcoming scene at your own risk.

I was feeling claustrophobic and I couldn't breathe. I couldn't handle him being this close to me, it feels like the atmosphere is slowly closing in and crushing my lungs.

"Why don't you want to?" I gasped when he lowered his head and placed a peck on my neck, making goosebumps appear on my skin. I tried to pushed him away but he hugged me and pressed his crotch onto my thigh. I felt something bulging from his pants.

"D-Demian..." I called his name. He hummed against my neck as a response and started kissing it, igniting something in me, making me feel more alive.

My body started feeling hot on the inside. It was like something was flaming inside of me as he continued kissing and sucking on my neck, all the way to my earlobe and then down to my collarbone. My breath was getting hitchy and I don't know what to do. I've never felt this way before. Everything that's happening right now is so foreign to me.

"Ahh," I moaned when he kissed on the crook of my neck. It feels so good.

"You like this?" I winced when I felt him nipping and biting on the same
spot. I nodded and he continued sucking and nipping hard on my sensitive skin. His kisses went up my jaw and onto my lips. He kissed me passionately, slowly moving his lips against mine and pushing his tongue into my mouth.

I blushed. I shouldn't be acting like this. No, I'm a princess, right? Why am I doing this? This is not right!

"Demian.." I started to speak and pulled away from him. I couldn't form any words out of my mouth and my mind was focusing on his hand that was crawling up under my shirt, going to my breast.

I gasped. "N-no," I said and pushed him away when he groped my chest. It was too much, I couldn't handle it anymore. I want to resist but I can't. The contrast is confusing me. Its so wrong but it feels good, I don't want it to stop.

"Shh," he hushed me. He took both of my wrists and pinned them above my head, his right hand continuing to my right breast. It went under my bra and started massaging it gently and I moaned.

I felt something pooling between my thighs. I rubbed my thighs together and it somehow relieved me of the sexual frustration I was feeling. It was like I wanted his hands touch me there.

Runaway PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now