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"I'LL GET our food," Demian whispered to my ear and walked away. I sat down on the bench and watched him as he went to the front. I noticed Garrett coming and he sat in front of me.

"What's that?" I asked him and leaned my upper body forward a bit and looked at the content of the bowl he was holding.

"Tomato soup," he said and took a sip on it from his spoon. "Perfect for the rainy day."

I nodded and sat back down. I looked around and saw Demian in the queue at the front, talking to a girl behind him as they waited to get food. Is that Holly?

The person turned around and I was able to see her face clearly. Oh yeah, its Holly. Psh.

I rolled my eyes and looked away from them. I leaned my elbow on the table and placed my chin on my hand and frowned. What are they talking about?

"Isla," I looked at Garrett as he called me. I lifted my head and replied.


"What are those things on your neck?" He said and pointed at my neck. I looked down on it and blushed when I noticed he was referring to the hickeys Demian gave me earlier. The small ones were also purple now and the other bigger ones are now reddish with purplish spots mixed with them.

I covered it with my hair and lifted up the collar of my shirt. "Its nothing," I said and laughed nervously.

He gave me an incredulous look and squinted his eyes at me. He leaned forward at the table and pointed his fork at my direction. I leaned backwards a bit.

"Is that a hickey?" He whispered and waved his fork up and down. I shook my head excessively.

He looked at me from bottom to top and brought the fork near my direction. "I don't believe you. What's that then?"

"A-a bruise.." I trailed off. I hope he believes me. I've never been a good liar.

"A hickey is a bruise too, you know?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me. "They're just caused by sucking, not by hitting."

I stared at him and didn't answer. Should I just tell him? He wouldn't tell this to another person, right? I trust him, I mean, Demian is his best friend anyway..

"Y-yeah, its a hickey," I said. I didn't notice that he was already eating. He looked up at me and choked on his food and started coughing. I immediately gave him the glass of water he brought here.

He drank it and gulped hard. He placed it back down on the table and looked at me. "You... You guys made out?"

I furrowrd my eyebrows. "What do you mean made out?"

He blinked a few times. "Made out.. Kiss aggressively and cuddle and something like that," he explained and I shook my head.

His eyes widened and he gaped at me. "Y-you... You guys.. Did 'it'?" He said and made quotation marks in the air with his hand as he said the word 'it'. My cheeks heated up and I gulped and nodded slowly at him.

He leaned back and gave me a surprised look. I stared back at him as he gawked at me.

"Oh my..." He mumbled and shook his head in disbelief, raising his eyebrows. "I-I don't know what to say, let's just pretend we didn't talk about this," he said and looked down on his food and continued eating.

I nodded at him in agreement. "Yeah.. I think that's a good idea..."

I felt someone come beside me. I looked up and saw Demian sit beside me and give me my plate, the bowl of soup on one of its dividers. Garrett looked at him and shook his head, probably thinking about what I told him.

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