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I SKETCHED a few gowns on my sketchpad and also did some drawings of random things while I waited for Demian to come back. He went back to the village to tell the others about what he and fathrr talked about. Up until now I still don't know what they talked about. I tried asking father but even hr wouldn't tell me what it is. But Demian said it's nothing for me to worry about, so I guess I'll just let it go.

But if you'll ask me to make a wild guess, I think father gave Demian a chance. Because he seems nice to him nowadays, he even let him stay in the guestroom and live with us. I even saw them talking in the garden last night.

If that's what it really is then I'm really happy. I never thought that father would do that, so its really something for me to be thankful about.


"Come in," I said and looked back ar the door. Demian came in and closed the doot behind him. He was dressed in simple clothes.

"Hi," he said and grabbed a chair and sat beside me. "Can I see that?"

I nodded and gave him the sketchpad. He flipped through it's pages with an appreciative smile on his face that made my heart happy.

"How did the talk go?" I asked him. He closed the sketchpad and placed it on the table.

He gave me a weary sigh. "Not too well."

"Why? What did they say?" I asked and faced my body towards him and held his hand.

"Some didn't like the idea," he said and leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows. What idea?

"Why? What was the idea?" I asked him and he opened his eyes and looked at me.

He sighed. "Fine, I'm telling you," he said. I cheered silently and leaned in to him and silently waited for him to talk.

"You father said," he paused and looked at me. I nodded, gesturing him to continue.

"That..." He raised his eyebrows.

I pouted and hit his shoulder lightly with my fist. "Don't tease me!" I whined and he laughed a bit.

"Okay, fine," he said and I got serious again. He opened his mouth as if he was gonna say something but he didn't even utter a single word.

I leaned back on the chair and crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him. "I hate you," I said and looked away.

It got quiet for about a few minutes until Demian spoke. "Okay, I'm sorry."

I ignored him and stood up. Why does he always think that it's fun to tease me like that? Does he really enjoy it every time he leaves me hanging on the edge?

I stood up and pushed the chair under the table. I went to my bed and lied down on it, going under the covers.

"Baby, I'm sorry," the bed sunk behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Demian sitting on the edge of the bed, leaning his upper body towards me and his face hovering above mine.

"Baby..." He called and kissed my temple. Hmph. He thinks that's gonna fix it?

"I'm really sorry, I won't do it again," he said and I faced him.

"It's not always funny when you tease me," I snapped at him. He looked down on the mattress and started picking at the bedsheets nervously. He nodded and rolled his tongue over his lips.

"Yes, baby. I'm sorry," he apologized and looked up into my eyes. I nodded and held his hand and squeezed it.

"Apology accepted. Now tell it to me," I said and moved further into the bed to make some space for him. He kicked off his shoes and went under the covers with me.

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