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"THE KING wants to see you."

I opened my eyes and sat up properly. What does that man want from me?

"Please come with us," one of the guards said. I stood up and limped my way to them. My whole body is sore from sleeping every night on the cold, hard floor. It's really uncomfortable and the coldness is not helping it, also considering them beating me up.

They let me out. I walked ahead of them and they followed behind me, holding their guns in their hands. Are they gonna shoot me if I do something funny?

When we got into the palace they lead me to the second floor. We even walked past Isla's room. I looked at it as we walked by, I want to go in and see if she's okay. I'm sure the king beat her up again.

"Why are we here?" I asked them when they made me stop in front of one of the guest rooms. And besides, I know this isn't the king's room. What are ee doing here?

"Please come inside and change in the clothes placed on the bed before we bring you to the king," the other guard instructed me. They both stood at either side of the door. What's going on?

I went inside. I looked at the bed and saw an expensive looking suit neatly placed in top of it and a pair of shiny black shoes. I'm going to wear this? I don't even even know how I'll put this on!

I went inside the bathroom. Hell. Even the bathroom looks luxurious. It's big enough to look like a room if you redecorate it. I've never seen a bathroom this big before.

I took a painful bath. I keep in cursing under my breath as the wounds on my back stung as the water kept hitting it. I looked at the many buttons beneath the shower head. What are these things even for? All they have drawn in them is droplets of water in different forms. Are these some kind of options for the shower?

Psh. Why are there so many unnecessary things added in today's appliances?

"Fuck!" I shouted when I started putting soap on my back carelessly and completely forgot that I have wounds there. I hissed loudly and closed my eyes. Stupid me.

Soon after I was thankfully done. I wrapped a towel around my waist and went outside the shower. I stopped walking and was surprised when I saw a maid waiting for me inside the room. Why is she here?

She looked at me and I froze in my spot. This is embarrassing...

"I'll help you get dressed," she said and I furrowed my eyebrows. What?

"N-no, it's okay," I said and waved her away. Why does she have to do this? Isn't this a bit inappropriate?

"The king said—"

"No, I can do this," I said and moved away from her when she tried to get close to me. I feel so exposed here. Isn't she gonna leave?

"Okay," she said in resignation and exited the room. I sighed and looked down at the suit. Do I really have to wear this? Tsk.

I got dressed. The suit was arranged in the correct order and way on how you're supposed to wear it so I didn't have much problem. The only thing was is I don't know how to put on the neck tie so I just left it there.

I put on the shoes. It fit me just fine but I feel so uncomfortable in this thing. I guess I'm just not used to it.

I went outside and the guards led me somewhere again. We went to the third floor and they lead me through a hallway to the king's study.

One of the guards knocked two times on the door. We heard a faint "Come in," and he opened the door for me. I stepped inside the study and he closed the door behind me.

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