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I couldn't believe it. Caden's parents work for my father? As a what? As a maid... Guard? But he said they're rich.. A cabinet member?

My mouth fell open as I was slowly enlightened. I pointed and index finger at him and said, "You're Mr. and Mrs. Cortello's son?!"

He nodded. Wow. I can't believe it! Who would've thought? I didn't even now that Mr. and Mrs. Cortello have a son. They're the only couple I know of that is part of the cabinet, so I made a wild guess. That must be the reason why he is the one who is in charge of observing father's moves and what he is up to, because he has a connection to mg father somehow.

"Does father know you?" I asked him and he nodded again.

"He was asking me to come work for him in case mom and dad retire," he said.

"Are you gonna do it?" I asked and he jerked his shoulders upwards.

"It depends..." He said and gave me a teasing smile. "If Demian becomes the king, I might come and work for you."

My cheeks heated up and I laughed nervously when I understood what he meant. I suddenly just started to imagine it, me and Demian getting married and ruling over Illeà.

King Demian and Queen Isla of Illeà... Sounds good... Music to my ears.

"You'd do that?" I asked him and he nodded with a smile.

"I'm one of the many that believes you'll be a better ruler than your father," he said and I gave him a doubtful look.

"One of the many?" I questioned. Its seems so good to be true that many people believe that I'll be a better ruler. I don't even think I'm already prepared.

"Yes. Me and some of the other rebels and citizens," he said. "Trust me, Isla. So many people believe in you."

I fell quiet, flattered with what he said. It feels so good that there are other people out there who believe in me and what I can do. I personally think that I won't be able to handle the stress, that I won't be able to deal with the pressure and end up disappointing the people instead. But hearing about this, it makes my confidence grow even for a bit. It makes me have more self-esteem.

"Thank you," I said.

"No problem," he answered. "One of our plans incase this one that we're doung won't work is to actually make a way to dethrone the king so that you'll have to take over," he said. "We could really see it in you that you'll be different from your father and you won't end up being like your mother."

I nodded and smiled to myself. I looked out the window and I immediately recognized the place were at, its were Garrett's house is. I even saw it as we drove by. We must be near to the palace.

A few minutes more of riding in silence and it came into my sight. I stared dreadfully at it as it became bigger in my sight everytime the car moved closer to it.

Every inch of my body is in agony. I know deep inside of me that I don't want to go back inside this prison anymore and all I really want to do right now is to hide and stay away from this place. My mind is warning me of what is happening and is screaming at me to turn to the other direction and run, but my determination to keep Demian safe is overpowering the revulsion that I feel. All I'm focusing on right now is how can I keep him safe from father's wrath. I'll sacrifice anything for him, it's okay for me to get locked up in this enormous prison cell of mine once again if it's for his own good. I'd rather be in there for eternity and know that he's already safe and far away from here where father can't hurt him than to be free and know that he's in there, getting hurt and being tortured. My heart won't be able to take it if I see him all beaten up and bruised. I love him so much, I don't want him to get hurt. He's more precious than a diamond to me. He's my everything, he's my whole world. My life is colorful once again because of him.

The car stopped in front of the  palace's gate. Caden turned off the car engine and turned to me. I could see the guards looking at us from the other side of the gate.

"Get into your character," he said. I made my hair messy and pulled a scared expression on my face. I hugged myself and bowed my head down to avoid people's eyes.

Caden chuckled. "You're good at this," he said and got off the car. He went around the hood of the car akd went to my side and opened the door for me. He assisted me to get off and when we wdre both visible to the guards I acted like I was tensing up in his touch and I was reluctant to go with him. He placed his palm on my shoulder and gently guided me to wall forward as if he was comforting me.

The guards opened up the gate for us amd we went inside.

"Please follow me," a guard said and walked ahead. We followed him and he brought us into the lobby and made us sit down on one of the sofas.

"Please stay here. I'm just going to call the king," he said and left us. My eyes followed him as he went up the stairs that was in the lobby.

"Good luck," Caden said, looking down on the floor. I nodded and he handed me a slip of paper.

"My address is written here," he said. I took the paper and played with it in my fingers. I sat up properly and got myself composed.

"Isla?" I didn't look up although I knew it was father. I could hear his footsteps coming towards us. I stayed silent and stared down into nothingness, acting disorientated.

"Caden, it's nice to see you here," he said. Caden stood up and shook hands with him.

"Your majesty, I saw the princess walking around in Allens. I recognized her from afar because I saw that she was trying to cross the street but ahe can't. She looks disorientated and shocked so I immediately brought her here," he said.

Father sighed and I could feel him looking at me. I acted like I was about to cry or something. Come on, Isla. You need to pull this off perfectly.

"Thank you so much, Caden," father said, his voice sounding different. It wasn't the same old monotone voice he uses when he talks to someone as the king. For a moment there he actually sounded like a father that is concerned about her daughter.

Caden bowed in front of him. "You always welcome, you majesty. I must leave now," he said.

"Please escort Mr. Cortello to the gate," I heard father say. The guard earlier went out with Caden as he left.

Father sat beside me on the sofa. He was still wearing his pajamas and a simple white T-shirt. His hair was swept to random directions and his eyes look drained. I rarely see him dressed like this, mostly he's in his uniform when I see him, composed and looking fine. Caden is right, he's worn out.

I almost jumped out of my character when he suddenly hugged me. I wanted to scream in joy because I couldn't believe that this was really happening but I can't or else everything will be ruined.

I buried my face into his chest. "F-father," I whimpered and he tightened his embrace and brushed my hair with his fingers. He placed a soft peck on my forehead. This is just too good to be true. I can't believe he's doing this to me.

"Shh, it's okay," he whispered in my ear. He rubbed my back with his hand and I actually want to cry right now. I missed him hugging me like this like he's going to protect me from the rest of the world.

He let go of me and stood up. He took my hand in his and gently pushed me up. I slowly stood up and hugged my arms. He wrapped and arm around me and guided me to the stairs.

"Let's go to your room," he said. He helped me go up the stairs and brought me to my room. I actually even forgot the way there, all I keep on looking for is Demian's house, thinking I'm still in the village.

When we got there he opened the door and let me in. My room was nice and clean and still neatly arranged.

He made me sit down on the bed. He sat down beside me and stroked my hair. "I'll go get your nannies," he said and left me.

I followed him with my eyes as he left. Wow. I actually miss this sside of him. The caring, fatherly, and loving him.

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