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IT HAS BEEN a long day. Me and Isla have been officially crowned as the queen and king of Illeà a month ago, two weeks after our wedding. I'm now currently going under training to manage the country. Father is also helping me and giving me some advice. I really appreciate it, it makes the task a lot easier and bearable.

I walked along the hallways, going to me and my wife's bedroom who is now currently three months pregnant with our first baby that happened to be a boy. She's been really emotional and has intense mood swings for the past few weeks, sometimes she's too sensitive but sometimes it's like she doesn't even give a fuck if I'm there. There are times when she wants me close but there are times when she gets annoyed at almost every little thing I do. Sometimes she gets mad at me for little things. Sometimes she cries easily over things that make her happy and sometimes she easily gets upset. She really confuses me big time. But nevertheless, she's healthy and so is the baby and that's what's important. I understand what shes going through, I've been reading a book about pregnant women and read there that sometimes they can really have intense mood swings and that as a husband, I should try my best to understand her and keep her happy at all times.

After we got married we moved in to father's bedroom that he once shared with Isla's mother. He moved in to a new room and Isla's previous room would be reserved for our baby when he grows up.

When I reached our bedroom I heard someone crying from the inside. I furrowed my eyebrows and opened the door.

I stepped inside. I saw Isla crying and sitting down on our bed. Meanwhile, Andy, Mary, and Lucy were having a panic trying to calm her down.

"What's going on in here?" I asked out loud. The three of them looked at me and they bowed down.

Isla looked up at me. She stood up from the bed and walked to me, hugging me tight. I saw her eyes that were red and puffy from all her crying. I hugged her back, careful not to trap the baby.

"Why are you crying?" I asked and lifted up her chin with my fingers.

"I miss you," she said. I kissed her forehead and brushed her long hair with my fingers.

"I miss you too, baby. Okay? Stop crying now, I'm here," I said and wiped her tears away. I dismissed Andy, Mary and Lucy. They bowed down at us before exiting the room.

I lead Isla to the balcony. She stood befire the terrace and I hugged her back from behind so she won't get cold.

She looked up. "The moon looks really beautiful tonight," she said and I bowed down and placed my chin on her shoulder.

"Yes, just like you," I whispered and looked at her.

I was surprised when she suddenly pushed me away and slapped my face lightly. I held my right cheek that started to sting and gaped at her. What did I do?

"Why did you -" I was about to ask but she cut me off.

"Are you saying that I'm big and round and fat?!" She cried. I blinked at her. I wanted to laugh at how she interpreted what I said but it would only make her more angry.

"What? No," I said and held her arms. She glared at me angrily and pouted like a kid.

"What I meant is that you're also beautiful like the moon," I explained to her but her expression remained the same.

"But it's also big and round tonight!" She said and pointed at the moon in the sky. Aish! Fuck you, moon. Now she's mad at me. Again.

I sighed. "Yes I know, but I was saying that you were only beautiful, not big and round," I said and looked down on her stomach that already has a baby bump. "Though you actually are."

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