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THE KING and the board members are having a meeting. Luckily, me and Garrett was assigned to guard the king in the meeting this morning, so at least we could hear what they were talking about.

"Your majesty, maybe we should first postpone the visit of the queen and king of Greece for their safety," a man in his 40's that was wearing an expensive looking black suit suggested.

"Yes, I will certainly do that. We also need to do a thorough screening with the palace guards to avoid accidents such as this," the king said with full authority, his violet eyes beaming with jurisdiction.

The king really is dominant. Just like what Isla said that the he keeps on controlling her life the way he wants it, I think its kinda obvious that anything he wants will be granted, whether one way or another. I think me and my comrades will have a hard time going up against him. He thinks that just because he's the king everyone shall bow down to him and do as he says. He's so full of his own power.

I silently sighed. Power can really change a person. Is it really that overwhelming to know that you are in control of everyone's fate and that everything you want shall go the way you wish to the point that it changes one's personality?

"Your majesty, maybe we should also add extra security from the military soldiers, we might need their help," a woman who looks like she's in her 30's said.

"Yes, please. Contact the military and ask for men to guard the palace," the king ordered.

Few minutes later the meeting was adjourned. The king dismissed the both of us so me and Garrett went down the stairs.

"How do you think they will do the screening?" Garrett wondered. "If they conduct a lie detector test on us, we'll be dead for sure," he added.

I shrugged. "Stop thinking about it. Let's just wait to see what will happen," I said.

I was suddenly taken aback when something—or someone—bumped into my chest. I heard a girly scream and I automatically held out my arm and grabbed anything I could hold on to.

My eyes met a pair of tantalizing violet eyes that were intensely staring into mine. When I rocognized who the person was, I wrapped my arm around her waist and guided her to stand back straight.

I immediately let go of Isla when she blushed again and stepped back. She must not be used to get close around boys. She is a princess, after all.

"Uhm, hi," she sheepishly said to Garrett who gave her a genuine smile.

"What brings you here, by the way?" I asked.

My eyes traveled down to the plastic containers she was holding which Garrett also seemed to notice. "Uhm, you guys already had breakfast?" She asked the both of us.

"We actually missed it because we woke up late," Garrett lied. I furrowed my eyebrows and look at him but he only gave me an inconspicuous wink. What is this imbecile up to?

Isla's face lit up. "Really?" She said and smiled brightly, then put the plastic containers on her hands and passed it to Garrett who accepted it.

"Uhm, enjoy eating!" She said in a hurried way and quickly fled down the stairs. I watched her until she was out of sight, worrying that she might stumble over seeing how fast her feet moved.

I looked at Garrett who held the containers up. It contained some pancakes, muffins and other food. "See? Free extra breakfast!" He laughed and gave one to me.

I held it and saw a sticky note on the cover with my name written in a detailed calligraphy.

"Ooh, she spelled my name right!" Garrett chirped.

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