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I KNOCKED on Isla's bedroom door. I heard a faint "Come in," from her. I twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open and quietly stepped inside. I saw her sitting on the left side of her bed, looking down at her feet.

I quietly walked to her and crouched down and placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

She looked up at me. "Demian..." She called and I sat down beside her and looked at her face as she looked at me from head to toe.

"What's going on in that pretty mind of yours?" I asked and brushed away the strands of hair in her face with my fingers.

"Why are you wearing that?" She asked me and I chuckled.

"That's what's been bothering you all along?" I joked around to lift up her mood. She smiled a bit and shook her head.

"No... I'm just curious," she said.

I shrugged. "I also don't know why I'm even wearing this..."

"What did you and father talk about?" She asked and frowned again. I pulled her close to me and placed her head on my shoulder.

"It's nothing, baby," I said and kissed her hair.

"Why won't you tell me?" she whined.

"Because it's nothing to worry about," I said and wrapped my arms around her. She pulled away from me and lookrd at my face.

"Why won't you tell me if it's nothing to worry about?" she asked and pouted like a kid. I pinched her cheek lightly and her pout got even longer.

"Because, the king said that it's only between the two of us," I said. She nodded and looked down of the floor again and bit her lip.

I held her chin and made her face me. "Seriously, baby," I said and looked into her violet eyes that were filled with worry and anxiousness. "It's nothing to worry about, okay? Don't stress yourself out too much."

She nodded. "Smile for me," I said and she gave me a bright smile, flashing me her set of white teeth.

I kissed her forehead and pushed her down the bed. She laid down on her side and I lied down behind her, our lower bodies dangling off the side of the bed. I wrapped my arms around her tunmy and pulled her closer to me.

"Where are you gonna sleep later?" she asked.

"The king said I could stay in one of the guest rooms," I said and she turned her head to face me.

"Can we sleep beside each other?" She asked, her face lighting up. As much as I'd like too do that but we can't.

I shook my head and she frowned. "The king said I can't go see you after curfew," I said.

Isla wiggled her eyebrows and looked up at thr ceiling. "Then... Sneak out at night," she nonchalantly said and I looked into her eyes.

"You're getting naughty," I told her and she giggled cutely and pushed me further in the bed. I removed my shoes and rolled to the right side of her bed and laid down flat on the bed. She rolled beside me and faced me, laying on her side.

"You like it when I'm naughty... Right?" She said and tugged on the collar of my dress shirt and rolled her tongue over her lips sexily.

"Who told you that?" I turned my head to her and asked her.

"Nobody did," she said and anchored her leg on my left leg, her thigh on my crotch. "But I know you like it."

I groaned when she started grinding her thigh on my crotch. I didn't answer her. It's pretty unbelievable to think that she was so embarrassed about these things before but now she's really the one who's starting it. I think I've influenced her a bit too much.

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