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THE WORLD stopped around me and stayed still. I blinked a few times and told myself that this was all just a dream, that this never happened and its all in my head. I shook my head to wake myself up but nothing is happening. Caden is still standing in front of me and Garrett is still standing by my side.

They got caught.

"Isla," Garret bent down and caught me in his arms as my legs buckled and gave up. He pushed me back up and I leaned on him for some strength. My body feels heavy and its like my head isn't getting enough blood. No... No... Demian...

"Thank you, Caden," he said and nodded and Caden. He left and Garrett closed the door and assisted me to the kitchen. He sat me down on the chair and I sobbed.

Demian... No... Please. He said he'll be fine, he said that nothing will happen, he said that it'll be alright. This is just a dream, right? This must be all just a production of my over thinking. I'm still probably in the bedroom right now with him, talking about this thing. No.. This isn't real.

"Isla," I looked up and expected to see him but it was Garrett who I saw. I shook my head in denial, I can't believe that this is happening right now.

"Hey, calm down.." Garrett said and sat down in front of me. I was sobbing nonstop and I can't breathe. The tears ran out from my eyes like a waterfall. My head was pulsing and my surroundings were spinning.

"Isla, Isla, can you hear me?" I looked at Garret and nodded. I gulped down the lump in my throat and reached for the table, my fingernails scraping against its wooden surface.

"Isla, Isla. Calm down. We're gonna do something about this, okay? Calm down," Garrett stood up behind me and rubbed my back.

"Isla, look at me. Calm down."

But I can't. Something started hurting in my chest as my heart started beating fast. My eyesight dimmed and I felt my strength slipping away from me. I couldn't think straight, I couldn't calm myself down.

"Demian... Demian..." I called his name, expecting him to suddenly appear from nowhere and console me. I could hear Garrett telling me something but I couldn't comprehend what he was saying. All I focus on was Demian. Demian, Demian, Demian.

The last thing I heard was something banging onto the floor. My body swayed sidewards and I fell flat on the ground and everything went black.


I opened my eyes. I breathed in and out heavily and I blinked my eyes a few times.

"Oh, thank God you're awake," I looked to my side and saw Garrett sitting on the edge of another bed. I sat up and looked around. I was in the clinic.

"I was so worried when you passed out on me earlier," Garrett said.

"Demian..." I desperately looked around me and searched for him.

"Isla..." I looked at Garrett again. He stood up and sat next to me on the bed. "Please calm down. We're already making a plan to get them."

I buried my hands in my face and shook my head. I knew it. I shouldn't have let him go... I should've done everything I could to change his mind. I should've made him stay. Now he's in danger... And I don't even know what's happening to them. Are they in the palace right now? Are they safe? Are they hurting him? What would father do to him?

"Isla.." Garrett pulled my hands away and held my chin and made me face him. "Please, don't think of anything negative right now. You need to calm down so that you could think straight and help. Alright?"

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