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"DO I look okay?" The chief asked and smoothened his shirt for the nth time as the palace gates opened and the driver drived inside.

"Yes, you do. Don't worry," I laughed.

Garrett leaned forward from the far right in the backseat. "We're really nervous, you know? We want to look very presentable," he said, looking weary.

"Don't worry, alright? It's gonna be fine," I assured them. The car stopped and we all went out.

The king has asked me to bring the chief here so that he can have a talk with him personally. Garrett tailed along with him and now they are entering the palace.

A butler escorted us to the lobby. We saw Isla going down the stairs gracefully along with the. king. When they got down they both did a short handshake with the chief and Garrett, looking directly into their eyes and giving them a smile.

After that the king led us tothe meeting room. Four guards cane along with us inside, two standing and the either side of Isla and the king. I sat down beside Isla while the king sat down at the very front, the chief and Garrett sitting down to his left.

When we were all settled the king cleared his throat. "Okay, so, can you please tell me what's the current situation in your village?" He asked, looking at the chief.

"Your majesty, what we have feared of already happened," he said and I furrowed my eyebrows. "They have already decided to leave us. I talked to all of them again earlier and tried to explain to them but they have already made their minds."

"Have they already left?" The king asked.

"Yes, they have," the chief said and Isla looked at him. She raised her hand and the king looked at her and nodded.

"W-what if they suddenly attack us?" Isla asked and pressed her lips together in a thin line. I held her hand under the table and she quickly glanced at me. I squeezed her hand a bit and rubbed her thumb with mine. I'm almost certain that she's panicking again.

The chief looked at her. "About that... I don't think they'll be able to do that immediately..." He said, sounding unsure.

"Why do you think so?" The king asked him.

"Wr get our weaponries from my brother that works as an armorer is the navy," the chief explained to him and the king nodded. "And when Isla left the village to go here and make sure Demian is fine—" the king shot Isla a look as if he was asking with his eyes if it was true. Isla nodded and blushed, making him smile a bit and shake his head a little. "—she said she'll write letters to Caden to let us know about what's going on. We actually got the weaponries from my brother just before Demian came back to us and explained us what happened. When they left they didn't take the weaponries so I'm sure they won't be able to attack us immediately unless they find a way to get weaponries."

The king furrowed his eyebrows. "Caden? Caden Cortello?" He asked and the chief nodded. Does he know Caden?

"Oh... The son of two of my cabinet members..." He said. I didn't know he knew Caden, but I did know about that. "I didn't know he was a comrade of yours."

"He's actually the one that gives us information about the happenings in the palace," the chief said.

"Do you think they know somebody else that can provide them weaponries?" The king asked him.

The chief looked up at the ceiling for a moment and looked back at him. "No one that I know of..." He said. "But they could try and trade from the underground market."

"What about their leader?" The king asked. "Who is he?"

"His name is Marcelo Moran," the chief said. "He lost his wife that also went as an undercover maid here in the palace."

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