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I FLUTTERED my eyes open and looked at the ceiling. I moved my leg to sit up but I winced when I felt it hurting, like it was being stabbed or something.

I looked at my left leg and saw that it was wrapped in bandage. And then I remembered that I got scratched by a mountain lion earlier. Ugh. This is what my jealousy got me. Amazing.

The door opened and I saw Demian step inside. He looked at me and sat down on the chair beside my bed.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded. He helped me sit up and offered me a glass of water that I drank. My throat was really dry from the screaming I did earlier. I thought the pain would kill me, it hurts so much that it traveled throughout my whole body. I think I even passed out.

"Don't run into the forest like that again. What were you thinking? You don't even know your way around there," he reprimanded, his voice stern.

"I was just mad," I said and picked at my fingers.

"Why were you mad?" He asked. "I was really surprised when you talked to me like that yesterday."

I looked down on my thighs. "I-I was jealous," I whispered softly.

Demian brought his face closer to me. "What?" He asked again.

I turned my head to face him. Our faces were only an inch apart, his stunning red eyes observing me carefully. I looked down and frowned..

"I was jealous," I said and my voice croaked.

His forehead creased. "What? Why were you jealous?"

"B-because of Holly," I stammered and my eyes started to water. I sobbed and tears fell out from my eyes and my heart started aching again. Oh, come on! Don't do me dirty like this, heart!

"Holly? And why are you crying?" He sat beside me on the bed and wrapped an arm around me. I wiped my tears away and tried to speak.

"B-because you look so happy with her... And I'm jealous because she can always make you smile and that she's very pretty and she's nice and sweet and cheerful and she knows how to cook and that she's your ideal girl, but I'm not and it makes me feel so bad about myself," I rambled on like a kid saying excuses to her parents that are currently scolding her. I feel so childish and foolish and silly just by doing this. I'm the girl, right? So why am I admitting that I'm jealous and all that? Ugh! He's making me do crazy things!

Demian looked at me silently for a while before he responded.

"How did you know that she's my ideal girl?" I looked at him and wiped my tears away. My eyes were getting itchy from all the rubbing I was doing.

"G-Garrett told me.. That you like someone who's nice a-and sweet and knows how to c-cook," I said in between sobs. He rubbed my back and didn't say anything which just made my feelings worse.

"Y-you like her?" I asked him.

"Yes.. But that was before," he said and brushed my hair with his fingers. He moved some strands of my hair away from my face.

"But you just said that she's your ideal girl," I said. He's very confusing.

"Yeah, she is... But I don't like her anymore," he said and placed his hands on his lap and looked at me. "I like someone else."

"W-who?" I asked and my heart started beating faster than its supposed to. What if the girl he likes isn't me?

He laughed a bit. "I'm not a jerk and I don't go around having sex with girls if I'm not serious with them," he said and my cheeks heated up when he talked about that again. He likes to bring that topic up, doesn't he? "So of course it's you."

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