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I WAS awakened when I heard a loud tapping noise from the outside. I lifted my head and listened around. I looked up at the ceiling and saw water dripping from it, falling a few feet away from the bed.

I placed my elbows against the bed and pushed myself up by leaning on it. Demian entered holding a small bucket and placed it on the floor to catch the leaking water.

"Its raining," he said and walked to our cabinet. He opened it and took out a white piece of cloth. He unfolded it and placed it in top of me as a blanket.

"Thank you," I said. He lied down beside me and I laid back on the bed. He hugged my waist and moved closer to me, his hot breath fanning on my neck.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Around 1 o'clock pm," he said, closing his eyes and placing his chin on my shoulder. I moved my hair to my left so it won't get in his face.

I snuggled closer to him and felt the warmth of his body. On rainy days Andy would often make hot chocolate for me and serve it to me inside my room. I would wear jackets and blazers over my gown and I would wear my pajamas at night. Oh, how I miss those times.

"I want to do something," I said and Demian opened his eyes and looked up at me.

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know..." I shrugged and looked around the room. "I'm really bored, I haven't been able to do much for a while."

"Don't you get bored in the palace?" He asked.

"No, not really," I said. "I do my hobbies if I have some spare time, so I don't really get bored that much."

"What's your hobby?" Demian asked.

"I like to sketch some designs of clothes," I got excited as we talked about it. "I really want to be a fashion designer, you know? That's why I always do that."

Demian nodded and pursed his lips. "I wish I could see some of your designs," he said and traced circles on my lower back with his index finger.

"Don't worry, I'll show you some of them in the future," I assured him.

We both fell quiet. His index finger is now tracing my spine, going up and down.

"What are you doing?" I asked him and gave him a puzzled look.

"Nothing," he said and smiled mischievously and looked down. I nodded and buried my face in his chest again to go back to sleep again and let him do his thing.

I closed my eyes and felt his index finger making its way to my lower back again. He pressed his palm on my back and started rubbing it. What is he doing?

My eyes shot open when I felt his hand going down from my lower back. He reached for my bottom and pinched it, making me gasp. I heard him smirk and he slapped it lightly and I blushed.

His hand went to my waist next. He rubbed the curve from my hips to the side of my ribcage. I was already having a feeling that he was gonna do something naughty again.

A/N: Warning. Mature scene ahead.

He went to my tummy and continued going down. He squeezed his hand between my thighs that were placed on top of each other. He moved it closer to my crotch and started rubbing his fingers on my womanhood.

I jolted in surprise and pulled away from him and looked at his face. He was staring back innocently at me like he wasn't doing something wrong.

"Demian, stop that!" I said and slapped his hand away. He pulled it back and rubbed it as it turned red.

"What? You said you wanted something to do," he said and laughed. I glared at him and slapped his shoulder.


"Yeah, but not this!" I exclaimed. He nodded and pouted a bit and looked down.

"Okay," he said. I stared at him for a minute and he was still looking down.  What is he staring at?

My eyes followed him gaze and I also looked down. I think he was looking at the floor but something else caught my eyes as I was about to look there.

I gulped. Oh my God.

My cheeks heated up as I stared at the noticeable bulge on his crotch. My eyes were glued to it and it seemed like I can't tear off my gaze from it. I can't help but think about how big it already is inside his pants.


I looked back up at his face when his hands covered his crotch. He gave me a big smile and started clicking his tongue of the roof of his mouth. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. No staring, baby. That's bad."

I groaned and pushed his chest. "Ugh! This is your fault! You tricked me!"

Demian still didn't remove his hands from his crotch. He gave me an innocent look. "What are you saying that I tricked you? I wasn't even doing anything!"

I was getting irritated. He's so cunning!

"You looked down on the floor purposely for a long time so I would get curious and then look down on the floor too, but of course I would come across that and stare at it instead!" I argued at him and he laughed, his eyes glinting in amusement

"Wow, you're very smart," he chuckled and I kicked his leg with my right foot. He moved his leg back and laughed at me.

"You're so naughty!" I said in an irritated way.

He sat up and held up his hands in a surrendering position. "Hey, in my defense, you willingly stared at it. I didn't even know if it would really work because you could just stare at the floor directly instead of trailing your eyes all the way down to there."

I threw him the pillow where my head was leaning on. He caught it in his arms. "You're so naughty! I hate you!"

He just laughed and laid back down. I wanted to roll away from him but I can't because my left leg would hurt. He should be thankful that my leg is still injured or I could've just really kicked him!

"But seriously, though," I looked up at him. "I want to do it."

I shook my head aggressively. "No! My leg is still injured!" I said.

He looked down at it and shrugged. "I'll be gentle."

"You're so horny!" I shouted and grabbed his hair and pulled it a bit.

"Horny? Its been like, a few weeks since we first did it and now is just only gonna be the second time!" He said, his eyes widened and mouth gaping.

"Yeah but you're so persistent!" I said.

"Because I want it! So please, come on because it really hurts right now," he said and exhaled deeply.

"Why does it even hurt?" I asked him skeptically. Why would it hurt?

He took my hand and quickly pressed it on his manhood. I yelped and pulled my hand away but he tightened his grip on me and groaned.

I blushed profusely. I could feel it pulsing against the back of my hand. It was also very hard and warm.

"You feel that? It hurts," he said and winced. I looked up at him and bit my lower lip in hesitation. Should I do it?

I rolled my tongue over my lips and reached out my left hand. I unbuckled his belt with my hand shaking and opened up his pants and pulled it down along with his boxers.

I heard him sigh in relief. I looked at his half erected manhood and took it in my hands. I wrapped my hand around its thick base and moved my hand up and down.

I heard Demian groan in pleasure and I gulped. Oh, God. Here we go again.

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