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"ISLA, wake up."

I moaned and tossed around the bed. I burried my face into the pillow and exhaled through my nose. I'm still sleepy...

"Isla," the bed sunk a bit. I felt someone shaking me and I opened my eyes.

At first I was weirded out when I saw Demian sitting on my bed. I even asked myself where I was, but then I remembered what happened last night.

Oh yeah, we escaped.

I sat up on the bed and yawned, covering my mouth. I suddenly got embarrassed that Demian was seeing me in this state, hair as messy as bird's nest and just woke up.

I got off the bed and ran in the bathroom. I opened the cabinet above the mirror for the sink and grabbed a new towel and stepped behind the frosted glass door.

I looked up and saw a shower head attached to the wall. I took off my clothes and went under it and looked up. I'm not really used to using shower heads, usually I take a bath that was prepared by my nannies in the tub.

I looked down and saw the knob. I reached for it and twisted it to the left to turn on the shower.

My sleepy spirit was suddenly awakened when the ice cold water fell on my skin. I jumped and shrieked, moving away from the water and stepping to the side.

It's so cold!

"Uhm, you okay in there?" I heard a knock from the door.

"The water is cold," I said and turned off the shower. I hugged myself and shivered in the corner.

"Oh, yeah, its really like that. We don't have hot water in here," Demian replied. "Hurry up, we need to leave immediately, I'm sure they've noticed by now that you're missing."

I replied an 'okay' and went back under the shower. I turned it back on and shivered as the water dripped down my body, stimulating my body.

After I took a bath I wrapped the towel around my body and went outside the bathroom. My teeth were chattering with one another from the cold.

I saw a pile of clothes placed neatly on top of the bed. I reached for it and saw that it was for a girl. I put in on and it fit me just right.

I looked down at the pants I was wearing. I've never worn pants before, I'm always wearing gowns and frilly baby dresses. This is a new experience to me, I feel that I could move more freely now and be comfortable even though I'm running. Also, it isn't heavy compared to the gowns I wear that reach all the way down to the floor.

I went outside the bedroom and went downstairs. I went to the kitchen and sat down in front of Demian on the small dining table. Just behind the dining table was the stove where Garrett was cooking what seems to be pancakes.

"So.. Uhm, where are we going now?" I asked them. Garrett turned around and started piling the pancakes on an empty plate that was next to Demian.

"We're going to our hideout," Demian said and started putting pancakes on his plate. Garrett placed a plate and fork in front of me and I started getting myself a portion to, putting maple syrup on the top.

It was a bit awkward for me to eat since I only had a fork. Usually when I eat pancakes I use a small knife to cut in down like a cake, but they don't seem to have a knife. I looked at Demian and Garret and saw that they were folding the pancake in four with their fork and then stabbing it with the fork, and then they eat it.

I copied them. At first it was just a mess but then I managed to do it okay. I took a bite and chewed it.

It wasn't that soft and fluffy like the ones I have in the palace, but it was still good for me. Its edges were a bit burned and crispy but I actually liked it being a bit crunchy on the sides. I've never tasted food that wasn't prepared by the chefs from the palace, so this is really a first for me.

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