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"BABY, wake up."

My eyes shot open when I heard Demian's voice. I sat up and looked at him, he was already dressed and his hair looked a bit wet. He was standing at the edge of the bed. I noticed that his eyes were brown as he was wearing contact lens again.

"We're going," he said. I looked at the window and saw that it was still a bit dark outside. The sun is just about to rise.

I nodded and kneeled on the bed. I moved closer to him and held the collar of his shirt and pulled him down for a kiss.

Our lips met. We kissed each other tenderly, our tongues were having a battle with each other and I kept on pulling and tugging on his bottom lip. He held my nape and held me closer to him. He was winning the battle in our mouth and he explored his tongue on the surface of my mouth, tickling the roof of my mouth and making me moan.

He pulled away and looked at me in the eyes. "Garrett is at the kitchen, okay?" I nodded.

He kissed me on the forehead. I got off the bed and wore my slippers and walked to him. I hugged him tight and buried my face in his chest. His arms snaked around my waist and he bent down a bit to place his chin on my shoulder. I tightened my embrace, not wanting to let him go. I'm just so scared.

"Baby, we'll be fine," he whispered in my ear. I nodded and he pulled away from me even though I don't want to.

I joined him on the way outside. Each part of my body is screaming at me to not let him go, to try and change his mind about going. Why am I so nervous like this? I've never been this way before.

"Bye," he said and went out the door.

"G-goodbye," I said and fought back all my will to pull him back inside the house as he walked away from me. Three other men were waiting for him not far away from our house. I watched as he approached them and they turned their back on me, walking away.

I shut the door and went to the kitchen. I saw Garrett sitting in front of the small dinning table. He looked wide awake despite the earliness.

I sat down in front of him and placed my hands flat down on the table. Okay. An hour and a half. I can do this, right? I can wait that long for him. Maybe I could talk to Garrett to divert my attention a little bit.

"I know how you're feeling, I'm also worried," Garrett said and I looked I him. "But I guess what you're feeling is worse than mine. You look so tense."

"Yeah.." I said. The fact that Garrett is also worried is making me even more scared. He's been here for a while, he's experienced most of this activities but now he is also worried like me. Maybe this is really a way to tell that it is too risky.

I clasped my hands together and tried to keep them from shaking. I cleared my mind of any thoughts.

"I'm so scared..." I said and Garrett looked at me. He stood up and dragged his chair to my side and and sat down beside me.

"Are you alright? Demian told me that you had some kind of panic yesterday," he said and leaned his body forward to look at my face.

"I'm just so paranoid, you know?" I whimpered and looked at him. "I want to be calm and trust him that'll everything will be fine but my fear just jumps at me and stays in my head."

"Do you have a history of anxiety attack or..?"

"No, I don't have that," I said. "But I've been traumatized when I was a kid, when I saw how my mother died. Her head was cut off and the sight itself wasn't that very pleasant. It was just horrifying," I said.

"That must explain it," Garrett said. "Why you're so scared to let him go and why you're so possessive of him, and maybe why you care so much about others."

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