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"WHAT'S THAT bruise on your lips?" The king asked me as I entered his study.

"Just got into a little fight," I said and sat down in front of his table.

"Isla's waiting for you, so make it quick," he said and smiled mischievously at me.

I chuckled and nodded. We got serious and I sighed. "Some of them are really not convinced. They want to take revenge."

He nodded. "That's understandable. I really did some serious damage to all of you."

"I think they might even consider to separate from the rest of the group," I said. "They're really mad."

"We have no choice to respect their decision. They also lost people who are important to them," he said and I nodded. He's right. If they're so decided then we can't do anything to change their minds.

"What if they wage war?" I asked him. He clasped his hands together and placed in on the table, leaning back on his chair.

"We'll try our best to do this peacefully. I don't want another tension building up," he said and looked at me. "Now go to Isla. She's been here three times already asking me when are you gonna come back."

I laughed and stood up. "Okay," I said and exited his study. It's really uplifting to see that the king and Isla are now growing closer together once again.

I knocked on Isla's bedroom door. It opened and I saw Lucy standing in the doorway.

"Princess, he's here," she widened the gap of the door and I went in. I saw Isla lying down on her bed.

She sat up and looked at me. I approached her bed and she stood up and walked to me. She hugged me and I wrapped my arms around her waist and brought her off the bed and gently placed her on the ground on her feet.

"I missed you..." She said against my chest.

"Really?" I asked and she nodded.

"Should we leave the both of you for a while?" Mary asked. Isla looked at her and and smiled as she nodded. The three of them bowed down to her and exited the room.

Isla looked at me and her smile faded away into a frown.

"What's that?" She asked and poked the bruise on my lip. I winced in pain and she brought her hand down.

"Just got in a little fight," I said and she pulled away from me.

"I'll just get an ice bag—"

I grabbed her elbow and pulled her back into my arms. "No, it's okay," I said and laid down on the bed, dragging her with me.

"No... We need to cure that," Isla said and dangled her legs in the edge of the bed and sat up. I stopped her again and pushed her back down. I wrapped my arms around her belly.

"Demian..." Isla whined and tried to push my arms away. I anchored my legs around her and trapped her.

"Oh, come on!" She complained and moved around. "This is unfair!"

"Stay here," I whispered in her ear.

"But we need to cure your bruise," she said and tried to get free. I bit her earlobe lightly and she gasped.

"Why did you do that?" She asked. I pecked a kiss in her neck and she pushed my face away.

"Stop it! We need to cure that!" She said. I rolled my eyes and let her go. She stood up and went outside her room.

While she was gone I went around in her room. I went to her study table and sat down in front if it.

The table was cluttered with art materials. Color pens, color pencils, glittery pens and other sorts of pens. I opened the drawers and saw some art papers and other stuff. I arranged her things and neatly piled the containers pens in the corner of her table.

I stood up and went inside her walk in closet. Many luxurious things are in there like jewelries, tiaras, shoes and gowns and other stuff. She told me one time that some of these were given to her by some princes from other countries to make a good impression to her and her father, especially those who are not in line for the succession of the crown. They want to be married to her so that they could be a king since she is the next in line to be the queen.

I've heard that having a female as the heiress is a rare thing here in Illeà. For many decades the Schneiders have been ruling over the throne because the rule is for the crown to be passed on to the firstborn child, whether male or female. For many years the firstborns have always been a male, and now that Isla is going to be the heiress I'm proud of her. I know she'll do good.

I stared at the accessories in the glass case in front of me. I wish I could also give her something as precious as these gems and jewelries. I feel so insecure sometimes because I can't give her anything luxurious while there are so many men out there who are after her that can give her everything she wants in just a snap. They can give her the most expensive gem in the world and they can promise her a good life. I wonder if she would even choose to be with me if she has to leave her royal title behind if she wants to marry me. Will she still love me even if it means she has to go down from this heaven she's in and step down on the muddy soil I'm at?

"Hey, why are you staring at those?" I was cut out from my thoughts. I looked beside me and saw Isla standing there and holding an ice bag.
"Do you want to wear them?" She joked and giggled.

I smiled and shook my head. I went outside her closet and she followed behind me and closed the closet.

"Sit down," she said and I sat down on the edge of the bed. She sat down beside me and pressed the ice bag on my bruise. I took it from her and pressed it on the bruise myself. I grimaced as the bruise hurts when I press the ice bag on it.

"Hey," Isla tugged on my T-shirt and I looked at her. She's frowning again. "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing, why?" I asked her.

"You're quiet..." She pressed her lips together in a thin line. "I thought you're mad or something..."

I chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Please don't over think, its not bad for your health, you know? Because you end up worrying too much about things."

She looked down on her lap. "I know... But I just can't help it... I'm too paranoid about things..." She said and then looked up at me.

I placed the ice bag on the nightstand and hugged her. "If there's something wrong, I'll tell you. Okay?" I said and pulled away from her. She nodded and smiled widely at me, showing her white teeth.

"Okay," she said and I kissed her forehead.

"I love you," I said and held her hand.

"I love you too," she said and hugged me again. I rubbed her back and I buried my head in the crook of her neck and held her close to me. I love this girl so much. She's my everything, she's all I have and she's the only one I'll spend my whole life with.

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