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IT'S NOW the middle of the night and I'm currently walking with Garrett, on the way to the exit of this forest and back into the civilization. Everything is set according to plan, all I need to do is step out there and ask for help, specifically to Caden who must be walking around there right now.

"Be careful, okay?" Garrett suddenly spoke beside me. I noticed that he's been quiet for the past few hours.

"Why?" I asked him. What do I need to be careful for?

"To not get caught by your father," he said, his breathing heavy from the walking we were doing. It's a pretty long way to there. "I'm worried he'll hurt you again if he knows that you're actually on our side."

"You're worried about me?" I said and turned to him, surprised.

"Yes, I am," he said. The dead leaves and twigs kept making a crunching sound as we stepped on them as we walked by. "You're my friend, and you remind me of my sister."

"I do?" I asked. I saw him smile at me in the dark and it actually made me a happy a bit. I'm sure he misses his sister so much right now.

"Yes, you have the same level of compassion as her," he said. Wow. That's really nice to know that I remind him of his sister. I don't know if its a good thing or a bad thing to him but I hope it helps him not miss his sister too much in a way that is affecting him.

"We're here," Garrett said and I could see the metal fence a few front of us. I could also see some cars driving by, the fence is only by the side of the road anyway.

When we approached the fence he helped me get over it. He hid in the dark and I looked forward, seeing the convenience store at the corner of the street. That's were Caden must be waiting.

I crossed my arms over my chest and pulled a clueless and scared look on my face. I walked forward on the sidewalk and rubbed my arms on my chest and made some sobbing sounds.

I sprinted forward. When I was in front of the convenience store I looked at the cars that were driving by. Oh no... I don't know how to cross the road...

I took a step forward. How do I do this? How do I make those cars stop moving? Oh, dear. I don't want to get into another accident again.

I was hesitating as I placed my foot on and off the road. I saw Caden looking at me from inside the convenience store, waiting for me to cross the road. This is actually the plan, for me to cross the road and Caden will see me from the convenience store, recognize me, and then help me. There are also other people in the convenience store so we really need to pull this off perfectly.

"Hey, is that the princess?"

I saw two boys walking to my direction. Oh, no. No, I need to cross this now before they get to me.

I looked at the road again. I just have to run fast across, right? It isn't that wide, I'm sure I'll be able to do that just fine. And if I just run across when there aren't that many cars—


I ran forward recklessly without looking even looking properly at the road. I was only looking forward at Caden as I kept running, ignoring my legs that were trembling and the people who were calling me in the back. I saw how Caden's eyes widened and I saw some bright light coming from my left.


For some stupid reason of mine I didn't stop running. Caden hurriedly went outside of the convenience store and ran to me, his steps big.

We met at the middle of the road. He reached out to me and pulled me towards him. I fell onto him and we rolled off onto the road until we reached the pavement. My heart was beating fast as I kept seeing the cars rushing past us in the corner of my eye.

I landed on my side on the pavement. I winced and sat up, rubbing my waist and my back. Oww.. It hurts.

"Are you okay?" I nodded as Caden stood up and looked down on me. He offered me his hand and I grabbed it. He pulled me up onto my feet and I patted of the dirt and dust on my clothes.

The other people inside the store were now peeking at us. I suddenly got back into character when they started to go outside and approach us. I moved behind Caden, acting scared of them.

"I-Is that the princess?" Some of them asked. Caden held my wrist and pulled me forward, walking past the crowd of people.

"Is this the way to the police station?" I asked him and he shook his head and pointed to a car parked on the sidewalk. We were a few meters away from it and when we approached it he told me to go in. I sat down on the passenger seat and he got in and sat on the driver's seat.

"W-where are you taking me?" I asked, suddenly scared.

"I'll take you there myself," he said and put the key inside the ignition. The engine roared to life and he started driving the car.

"Is this yours?" I asked and he nodded at me. Where did he get this car, then?

"My parents gave it to me," he said, as if he was reading my mind.

"Your family is rich?" I asked and he nodded again. Really? I didn't know that the rebels have some kind of wealthy ally.

"So... That's the reason why you don't live in the village? You live with them?" I asked him bit he shook his head.

"No, I don't live with them. I'm not in good terms with my family," he said and I furrowed my eyebrows in curiosity. He quickky glanced at me and sighed.

"Just like the rebels, I also didn't like the way your father runs the country. Even when your grandfather was on the throne, I didn't really approve the way he implements some rules," he explained. "They're both brutal and don't pay close attention to the poverty and medical condition in some of the provinces. They always focus on building strong relationships with other countries instead of fixing the probkema from within," I nodded at him and silently listened. Yeah, he has a point. I also noticed that, because sometimes when I watch the news I always see reports about some of the provinces here in Illeà that is having some problems with their health because there are factories next to where they live, just like what happened with Demian's case.

"I tried to voice out my opinion to my parents but they won't hear me out. And when I was in college, Garrett became my batchmate and close friend. Then I found out that he was part of the rebels, and that's when I decided to help and support them as much as I can," he said and I nodded. Wow. That was a very strange move that he did there. He would be really in trouble if his parents find out about this.

"What if your parents find out about this?" I asked him. "Isn't it too risky?" I asked.

"Yes, I agree with you. It is too risky. But I can't help it, I'm tired of not being understood by them," he said and turned the steering wheel.

"Haven't you tried to have a serious talk with them about this?" I asked.

Caden chuckled. "I never do that. You know why?"

My forehead creased and I shook my head.

He quickly glancd at me. "Because they work for your father."


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