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GARRETT STOPPED the recording and saved the video. He handed the camcorder to Caden who placed it in a box.

"I'll make sure the king receives this immediately," he said. The chief nodded at him and patted his shoulder before he left.

I looked down at Isla and kneeled beside her. I looked at the scar on her neck and my heart ached. We told her that we need to film a video to send the king so he knows that she's with us as a hostage, just like what she planned before we escaped. We told her to act a bit scared and look like we were hurting her so we took off the bandage on her wound and made her hair look messy. But she insisted that maybe we should really hurt her during the recording so that it would seem truly convincing to the king. I kept telling her no and I won't do that but she really wants it and even said that Garrett will have to do it instead. Like, is she kidding? I don't want her to get hurt! Even though she gave me permission to do it, I still don't want to, especially in that way!

But I still did it. I'm so fucking stupid. Now she's hurt because of me. Now another wound is on her body because of me. Why the fuck am I so careless? First I let her storm off into the forest and she almost got killed by a cougar, and now I just hurt her with my own hands and smiled like I was actually enjoying it. Hell no I didn't! My heart was like shattering into pieces and being pounded by a hammer over and over again until it turns into fine grains!

I wiped away the blood from her neck and she winced. I removed the rope from her hands and she scratched her wrists that were turning red.

I reached for a first aid kit and treated the new wound on her neck and covered her left leg with a bandage again. I really feel so bad for what I did, I want to punch myself in the face.

I kissed her cheek and hugged her. "I'm sorry," I whispered in her ear and tightened my embrace.

"Its okay, you actually did a great job," she said and pulled away. She smiled at me but I couldn't do the same.

"Thank you for that, Isla," the chief said and she nodded. I carried her in my arms and we left the chief's house and went to mine.

I placed her down on the bed and arranged the pillow on her head. "Hey, are you okay?" She asked and put her hand on my face. I sat down on the bed and leaned against her touch, placing my hand on top of hers.

"No," I said.

"Its okay, I'm fine," she reassured me but I still feel bad. Why is it like this? I've hurt a person before worse than what I did to her but I feel like I'm the worst person in the whole world because of what I did to her. Is this because I love her? Is this how it really feels when you hurt the person you care about?

"I love you," I said and caressed her soft hair. She stared at me for a while and bit her lip before responding.

"U-uhm, thank you," she responded and I laughed bitterly. Wow. That hurts. Just a thank you.

"Don't you love me back?" I asked and my heart raced inside my chest. I was nervous for what she's going to say. What if she says she doesn't love me?

"I-I think I do," I traced my index finger on her right cheek as she blushed. Her skin was so soft and smooth and looks really taken good care of. I couldn't help but think what would happen if I fall for her and she didn't even know who I am and the circumstances aren't like this. I bet she wouldn't even notice me as I adored her from very far away. I wouldn't be able to hold her close like this and I won't be able to go near her like this. I'm really lucky that I was given a chance to meet her. I'm such a low-standard man for someone of high caliber like her, she's a royalty that is respected and valued by everybody even though they don't even know her personally while I'm just a nobody and a poor commoner that has nothing luxurious to offer her. I can't promise her a nice house and a comfortable bed and delicious food. The difference between us is like heaven and earth.

"What are you thinking?" She asked and I snapped out of my reverie. I laid down beside her and turned my head to her direction.

"I wonder what would it be like if our situation wasn't like this," I said and laced my fingers against hers.

"I probably wouldn't have the chance to meet you," she said and I stared into her violet eyes.

"Yeah, I guess so," I said. "I'll just be one of your loyal subjects."

"Demian, I'm scared," she whispered.

"Why?" I asked and moved in my spot so I was lying down on my side.

"I don't want this to end," she said and looked down at our intertwined hands. "But it will soon, and I'll be forced to marry someone else," she said and frowned.

"Don't you want to marry the prince of Greece?" I asked her. She bit her lower lip and shook her head, her eyes watering.

Tears fell from her eyes. "No, I don't want to," She said and sobbed. I wiped away her tears. "I want to be with you."

"But you said you don't know if you love me," I told her and kissed her forehead. "How can you say that you want to be with me?"

"Because you're the only one that I'm comfortable with," she said, brushing her thumb over my knuckles. "And I'm so attached to you now to the point that I don't want to drift apart from you, and it makes me sad because I know that won't happen."

"Why not?" I said.

"Because of father," she sobbed and looked down. "I'm sure he won't approve of this."

"Do you love me?" I asked her and she looked up into my eyes. Her eyelids were red and puffy from all the crying she's been doing. She's really softhearted and onion-skinned. She cries easily because of her sensitive feelings.

"Yes," she said.

I squeezed her hand and smiled. "Then we can do this," I said and kissed the back of her hand. "As long as we love each other, we can fight for the both of us."

She leaned her upper body forward and embraced me. I entangled my arms around her waist and carefully pushed her closer to me so I won't hit her leg. It's still healing and the stitches aren't removed yet.

"Shh, stop crying," I hushed her and placed my chin on top of her head. She placed her forehead on my chest and I held her tight, not wanting to get her go.

"Y-you promise?" she pulled away and sobbed.

"Yes. I do. I promise. We'll fight together for the both of us and we're not gonna let go of each other, okay?" I cupped her face and stared into her eyes. She nodded and placed both of her hands on top of mine.

"I like that," she said and smiled. "I'll be right by your side and we'll do this together."

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