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I TOSSED and turned around in my bed. For some reason, I can't go back to sleep again.

I sat up on the edge of the bed and looked down on the floor. I think it's already 2 am or something. I woke up at 12 am, and then up until now I can't sleep again.

I stood up and went outside of my room. I walked around the corridors of the palace aimlessly.

I can't believe it. I just proposed to her. I'm actually really anxious right now. What would happen to us when we get married? Am I gonna be a good husband to her? Am I gonna be able to keep her happy? Am I gonna be a good father to our children?

I sighed and looked down on my feet. I stopped walking and turned around to look out of the window. The moon was big and bright and round in the sky. It looks closer to me than it usually is before.

"Pretty, right?" I whipped my head to my left and saw Isla standing a foot away from me. She was also looking at the moon. I looked down on her body and noticed that she was wearing a red spaghetti-strapped silk nightgown with black lace around the hem and the collar. It reach up to abover her knee and it was a bit small for her.

I came closer to her. "Why are you still awake?" I asked. "And why are you wearing that?"

She turned her head to look at me. "What's wrong with this?" She asked.

"It's too small for you," I said and looked down on her cleavage that was almost showing. "And you're not even wearing a bra."

"I don't wear a bra when I go to sleep," she said and looked up at me. "I feel uncomfortable and I can't breathe properly."

I didn't answer her. I don't even know why but my eyes trailed down all the way down her body, taking in her figure. The nightgown was showing her curves and tracing through the shape of her breasts and ass. She looks so fucking delicious.

I closed my eyes as I felt my manhood throbbing in my boxers.

"You alright?" Isla asked and I opened my eyes again.

"Demian!" She yelped when I suddenly crashed into her and pinned her against the wall. I leaned in to her neck and inhaled her addicting scent.

I kissed her neck and started sucking on it. I pinned her wrists above her head with my right hand. She tilted her neck to the right to give me more access.

"Oh, ahh," she moaned as I started giving her a small hickey on the side of her neck, near to her earlobe.

My hands went down under her ass for support. "Jump," I said and she did. I caught her in my arms and she wrapped her legs around my waist, my hardness pressing against her thigh.

I walked to her bedroom door and opened it. I stepped inside and closed to door with my foot and set her down on her feet and locked the door.

"And you said we're not allowed to see each other past curfew," I heard her mutter.

"I know that but you look so delectable in that freaking nightgown," I said and turned back to her. It was a bit dark in her room but some of the moonlight were seeping through her curtains so I can at least see her a bit.

"Really?" She said.

"Yes, you do, baby," I said and went to her. I held her arms and pushed her backwards. Her calves pressed against her bed and I pushed her.

Isla fell down on her bed, her breasts bouncing up and down from the fall. I took off my slippers and kneeled on the bed, her legs between my knees.

"Are you going to tie me up?" She whispered.

"Do you want me to?" I asked her. She looked into my eyes and I noticed that it was filled with lust and desire I have never seen in her eyes.

Runaway PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now