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THE DOOR opened as I dried my hair with a towel. I just took a bath and got dressed to sleep.

I looked up and saw Demian enter. I stared at the floor and didn't mind him as he went inside the bathroom to probably take a bath.

I went outside and hung the towel on a hanger. I placed it on a clothesline under a shade so it won't get wet again in case it starts raining. The rain has stopped for a while but its still cold.

I went back inside and combed my hair in front of the mirror. I sat down on the bed and waited for my hair to dry before lying down.

Soon after Demian came out of the bathroom. A towel was wrapped around his waist and droplets of water were dripping down from his hair and onto his chest then down to his abs. His v-line was very visible to my eyes. I looked away and chewed on my cheeks from the inside. Oh God. I shouldn't be looking at him like this. Its like I'm groping him in my mind.

I let him get dressed and I looked at the floor. He combed his hair too and sat beside me.

"Are you mad?" he asked. I shook my head quietly, my damp hair swaying from side to side. He held my chin and made me look up at him.

"You sure?" He asked and I nodded. I held his hand and placed it on my lap. I picked with his fingers and looked up into his eyes.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "I'm sorry if I hurt you earlier. That was really immature of me."

Demian smiled warmly. "You were jealous, weren't you?" He asked. I stayed silent and he gathered me in his arms I hugged him back tightly. He swayed me from side to side slowly, kissing my temple and rubbing my back.

"Don't cry," he whispered in my ear and I laughed.

"I'm not," I said and he nodded.

We pulled away from each other. "You know... I talked to Ms. Charry about this," I said and he held both of my hands in each of his.

"Hmm? What did she say?" He asked.

"She told me to trust you... Because you're a man of your words," I said and pressed my lips into a thin line. "She also said that if you told me you love me, then I shouldn't worry too much... And I realized she was right, because the reason I always get jealous of Holly is because I'm aware that I have some flaws and I can't give you everything you want... I'm just afraid that she'll be the one who'll be able to fulfill those flaws and you'll choose her over me instead..." I bit my lip and looked down.

"Don't cry," Demian said and squeezed my hands. I laughed loudly.

"Okay, I won't!" I said and held both of my cheeks.

"But seriously, though..." I looked up into Demian's eyes that were staring right back into mine.

"Its alright, you know? You don't need to feel sorry, I understand if you get jealous. If I were in your shoes, I would probably feel the same thing," he said and caressed the back of my hands. "I'd even be paranoid, to be honest. Like what I said, I'm out of your league. So I would also get insecure and worried if I see other men surrounding you."

"But don't be afraid. Nobody's perfect, so its impossible that you'll not have flaws. And besides, you've given me everything I want so far..." He smiled a bit. "And I won't ask anything of you that I know you can't give to me. And long as you're with me and you're mine and I'm yours, I'm contented. That's the only main thing I'll ask from you, its alright even though you can't provide me the other things. That's all I want. And nobody else can give that to me but you, because you're the only one I want."

It was like his hand went inside of my body and actually touched my heart. I was so moved with what he said and it really made me happy to know that. Demian always find a way with his words, they make my heart flutter and they make me feel his love. Its nice to hear those words coming out from his mouth, they're like music to my ears and they're not nauseating to listen to like those men on romantic dramas that you see on TV.

I leaned forward and hugged him. I love him so much I couldn't imagine what my life would be like without him. I would give up everything to be with him, I'll sacrifice my royalty and the luxury I have just to be with him. I'd rather be poor and be with him than to have anything I want but him. He's my everything, he's the real treasure that I have and not the tiaras or gowns or expensive shoes that I once wore.

"I love you, I'll give up everything just for you," I whispered in his ear. He rubbed my back with his hand and I heard him chuckle.

"That's the first time you told me you love me," he said. "But yeah, I love you too. You're the only person who's so close to my heart and whom I care for so much than anything after my parents and my grandparents died," he said. "You're all I have. You're the only precious jewel in my life. I have no other else to treasure but you. You're the only reason I'll keep fighting until there is no more. I love you, and no one else can take that away."

I nodded and buried my face into his neck. He pushed me down on the bed and lifted up my leg and placed in on the bed too. He lied down next time me and put the blanket on top of us, covering our heads.

He pulled me close and I curled up into a ball and pressed my forehead on his chest. He placed his chin on my head and I inhaled his fresh scent.

"Goodnight, baby," he whispered and kissed my hair. I lifted my head and looked at him with my eyebrows furrowed.

"Baby?" I questioned the endearment. Is it really necessary that we'll have an endearment?

"Yes. Baby. My baby," he smiled sweetly at me and caressed my cheek.

"What should I call you, then?" I tilted my head and asked him.

He looked up at the ceiling and hummed as he started to think. "Hmm.. Let's see.." He squinted his eyes and his lips were pouting a bit.

"Call me Daddy," he said and smiled roguishly. Daddy? Why does it sound weird?

"Daddy?" I gave him a confused look. I saw him lick his lips with a dark look in his eyes as I mentioned it. "Why Daddy?"

"Because you're my babygirl," he said.

"But you're not my father.." I said. Why does he want me to call him Daddy? I don't understand, is that some kind of thing between lovers now? Like a trend or something?

He started laughing all of a sudden. "Just forget it, I was just joking," he said. "You don't have to call me anything, just my name would be fine. But I'll definitely call you baby."

I nodded and ducked to press my forehead on his chest again. I kinda actually like the idea of an endearment. What would be a good endearment for him?

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