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I HAD a hard time moving around as I woke up with my crotch feeling sore. It hurt everytime I moved around or take a step.

"Isla? Come out there, were going to have breakfast," I heard Demian knock on the door. We share a room in his house since there's only one bedroom in here, he sleeps on a mattress on the floor while I occupy the bed.

"O-ok," I said and walked to the door, trying to ignore the pain in my lower body. I opened the door and Demian was there waiting for me outside. I blushed when I remembered what happened last night between us in the river. I wasn't even able to sleep peacefully because I keep thinking about it.

"Let's go," he said and walked ahead. I struggled to keep up with his pace and he was already at the door but I was barely even getting there.

He looked back at me. "Are you alright?"

"It hurts!" Tears escaped from my eyes and I stood still in my spot. I felt like something was burning inside of my lower body and I couldn't move because it gets worse.

Demian walked to me and wiped my tears away with his thumb. He cupped my face and kissed my forehead. "Sorry."

I sobbed and nodded. He went behind me and put my arms around his neck and carried me bridal style. He lifted me up on his arms a bit before going outside the door.

As soon as we got out people started looking at us and some even started whispering things. "This is embarrassing," I said and buried my face in his shoulder.

"Why does everything you do apart from walking is embarrassing to you?" He said and I looked up at his face. I hit his chest lightly with my fist and he just laughed.

"This isn't proper! We're out in the public and—"

"Is this one of the things your mentor taught you not to do?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed and looked up at him. He lifted me up a bit again and continued walking. "She said that as a princess, I shouldn't be involved in too many physical contact especially with males," I explained, my mind actually drifting back to that time when she was teaching me about social etiquette. "I could only do a handshake and I should stand an enough distance away from them so there's space left between our arms and that I should stay conservative with how I talk and act," I recited all the primary things she taught me.

Demian huffed. "You just had premarital sex last night so I don't think you should worry about following that anymore," he whispered soflty enough so that only the two of us would hear what he said.

I pinched his chin and he flinched. "Ow!"

"Stop reminding me of that!" I whined. "I really regret that right now," I said and bowed down my head in regret. What was I even thinking last night, seriously?

"But we've already done it," Demian smiled mischievously. "What's done is done."

I groaned. "This is your fault!" I said and poked my finger on his chest. He bent his legs down a bit to push the door open into the dining hall.

"There's Garrett," I said and pointed at Garrett that was sitting at the third row. There were so many residents in here, each and one of them getting seats. This place is just so huge.

Demian set me down in the empty spot in front of Garrett. He walked away to get some food and I faced Garrett who was looking confused.

"Why did he carry you?" He asked and I drummed my fingers in the table, thinking of an excuse.

"Uhmm... I wasn't feeling well..?" I said but it turned out more like a question than a statement. Oh dear.

"You sure?" Garrett smirked and I smiled nervously and nodded. Demian returned to my side a few moments later, holding two plates of bacon and eggs along with a glass of water that was placed on one of the plate's dividers.

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