01. Awakening

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Distorted voices were heard around the room, followed by strange noises, most likely from machines. Three people were in the room -- a woman by a computer, a man by a strange looking table that appeared to be similar to that of a small bed, and another woman laying on the aforementioned small bed, her eyes closed. Slowly though, her heavy eyes slid open, blinking a few times to try and clear her cloudy vision.

"Oh! The subject's eyes have opened!" The woman at the computer screen said.

The man with reddish brown hair and sandy brown eyes perked up a bit before turning toward the woman who just opened her eyes. He held his hand out to her, the woman with the deep, crimson red hair slowly reaching for the outstretched hand as the man helped her to sit up. "When our friend here can walk, take our little protégé to her room, but do not let word out that this one doesn't have psychic powers, understand?"

"But, Sayer, take a look at this." The woman pointed to the screen. "Do you see these wavy lines? I have confirmed that the subject does in fact have psychic abilities, though they will need to be controlled. I would suggest a suppressor of sorts to contain her abilities until she can learn to control them again." She said. "Also, do you notice this rather odd pattern here? I believe the subject has just contacted the Spirit World."

The man known as Sayer perked up again. "Is that so? Excellent! Then our efforts up to this point haven't been in vain. Just be sure that word of this is not known by anyone except for us, because if word is leaked to the outside world, then the Movement could be in danger, so do well to keep this information under wraps."

"Yes, of course." The woman nodded.

"Oh, and that mark on her face, be sure to cover it up. We can't have anyone realizing where this one is really from."

The woman nodded again. "Understood, sir."

"Oh, and now that you had mentioned it, put this around her neck." Sayer handed the woman what looked to be some kind of collar. "This will dampen her powers until we can get her to learn how to control them again. Now then, I have other matters to attend to, so once Ms. Yushima is up on her feet and able to move around again, please escort her to her room."

"Yes, Sayer." The woman bowed as Sayer made his leave.

Once he was gone, the woman with short, light brown hair walked up to the redhead. "How do you feel?" She then asked.

"My head... It hurts..." The redhead replied.

"Do you know what your name is?"

"It's...Rai--Rai Yushima..."

"Alright, good, just so long as that is still intact. And my name is Seria."

"Seria..." Rai said her name back to her before gripping onto her head. "Nugh...! My head...! It feels like it's going to split in two...!"

"Just take it easy for now. When your headache subsides, please let me know and we'll try to get you up and walking, okay?"

"Mm..." Rai mumbled in response as she laid back down, closing her eyes for a brief moment.

Where am I...? Everything up until this point in time is...just a blur. Why can't I remember anything? And what did Sayer mean by "where I'm really from"? What does all of this mean? Rai groaned a bit, gripping her head again as her eyes closed once more. Ugh... I can't think straight... My head hurts too much... Just...what have they done to me?

-A Few Hours Later-

After some time, Rai was finally able to walk again, her headache subsiding for the most part as she was escorted to a room. The door slid open, both entering a small, but empty square room before the door closed behind them. "This will be your room. Oh, and here is a deck for you to use." Seria said as she handed Rai a deck of cards. "It's already been put together, so please try not to mess it up. Also, if you have any questions, feel free to ask the two boys next door. Until then though, please wait here until Sayer returns with your orders." Seria turned to leave the room when she paused. "Oh, and before I forget, I need you to put this on as well."

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