25. A New Threat Approaches

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[Devack: 2100 --> 0]

With Devack's monster vanquished and the Dark Signer defeated, the burning violet flames began to extinguish themselves, indicating that this duel was officially over as both of the twins let out a sigh of relief. "You did it, Luna!" Leo praised.

"No, Leo, we did it." Luna shook her head. "Now the spirits will be safe from De--ugh!?"

Both the twins gasped as Devack, though withering away into the shadows, trudged toward them. Leo quickly stepped in front of Luna to try and protect her, though fearfully. "You think you've won? This isn't over...! I won't fall alone...! You're coming with me!"

"We've gotta get down there now!" Yusei urged as both him and Trudge rushed off.

"You will not stop the shadows from devouring this world, for I will...destroy you! I will...drag you down into the pits...of hell with me!"

"No!!" Rai exclaimed, quickly scooping the twins up into her arms as she narrowly managed to avoid Devack's falling body as it dispersed into nothing but ash.

When the cloud of smoke had disappeared though, Rai let out a sigh of relief as she turned toward the twins. "Hey, are you both alright?" She asked worriedly.

"Thanks to you, we are." Leo said.

"Yeah, thanks, Rai..." Luna sighed.

"I promised to protect you both, and I'm not about to fall short on my promise." Rai said firmly.

"Rai!" A voice then called.

The redhead perked up, getting to her feet just as Yusei and Trudge were fast approaching, Rai sighing in relief. "Yusei...!" She grinned, closing the distance between them.

"Are you alright?" Yusei asked, concern clearly brimming in his voice as he spoke.

Rai exhaled through her nose softly as she smiled. "I'm fine, Yusei, just a little winded from getting caught up in that mess, that's all..."

"Yeah, but you've could've gotten seriously hurt, Rai. How did you and Luna even get down there in the first place?" Yusei asked.

"We had a little help." Luna spoke up. "An old wizard named Torunka helped to send us back so that we could help."

Yusei let out a small sigh of relief. "Well, I'm just glad you guys are alright."

"Yeah, we are, however..." Rai then said as she glanced back to Yusei, frowning.


"Ouch--hey! Why did you hit me!?" Yusei exclaimed as he rubbed his arm after Rai had just punched him.

"For disobeying me, you jerk! I told you not to go out and do anything dangerous, but, of course, you didn't listen to me, again!" Rai argued. "You'll never heal if you don't stay put and rest!"

"I didn't have time to think about that, Rai! Leo was in danger, so I couldn't just abandon him when I knew he was in trouble!" Yusei countered.

"And what would've happened if you got caught up in that mess like I did, huh?! What then?! You could've gotten seriously hurt, Yusei, more than you already are!"

"So could you!" Yusei snapped. "I saw what you did down there, jumping in front of the twins like that just to take on that assault! You could've gotten hurt too if that was an actual attack against them!"

"You don't think I know that?! I've been in one of those shadow duels, Yusei! I know what it's like to risk your life in one of those games!" Rai retorted.

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