19. A Turn For the Worse

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"So the Dark Signers got to you..." Yusei said.

"No, I'm not some puppet, I'm one of the guys holding the strings. This right here is the real deal." Kalin said as he held up his arm to show his mark, which wasn't that of the spider, but something completely different entirely. "It's not like the mark on that drone your little girlfriend dueled back in Domino City. He was just a pawn in our little game; we caught him and others like it in our web, so to speak."

"So you really are a Dark Signer?" Yusei asked. "This is what Goodwin was talking about then..."

"Hey, Rai?" Crow then called once the two were stopped at a good vantage point. "You know what this giant glowing neon thing is?"

"Hmm..." Rai placed her hand against her chin for a moment. "It's not the same as what I was faced with back in New Domino, because it was just an energy ring, not a flame trail, but it also looks like it's supposed to form some kind of shape..." Rai thought to herself for a second, until she realized something. "Hey, did you see that mark on Kalin's arm?"

"Huh? What about it?" Crow asked.

"It's just...it was different than what I've seen... The guy I dueled back in Domino was just a shadow drone with a spider mark on his arm, but Kalin is different."

"Where are you going with this, Rai?"

"My guess is that this flaming barrier is supposed to serve as their track for a Turbo Duel, so maybe, based on the lines we can see, it might also form the shape of that mark on Kalin's arm, because again, it's much different than before. Since Kalin is one of the Dark Signers, it's the best conclusion I can make."

"Well, I mean, it's not entirely out of the question. You're probably onto something, Rai."

"Maybe, but that doesn't exactly help Yusei's situation at all..."

Meanwhile, just as Rai and Crow were pondering over these strange lines on the ground, a helicopter was coming in fast to try and get a closer look at the scene, revealing it to be Jack who was riding in the helicopter. He had opened up the side door and was peering out over the Satellite when he noticed the mark on the ground, which did in fact match the mark on Kalin's arm -- the Mark of the Giant. As Jack was getting closer to the scene, his eues widened at bit at what he could see from above.

"It can't be...!"

"Interesting..." Carly noted. "I wonder if this has anything to do with the news reports earlier about the Nazca Lines in Peru?" She wondered. "Remember that, Jack? They, like, started glowing and then disappeared or something?"

Jack then glanced back inside of the chopper. "Pilot, take us down lower!" He ordered.

"Uh, okay." The pilot warily agreed as he began to fly in lower.

However, just as the helicopter flew in lower to get a better view, Jack's eyes widened at who he saw atop a pile of rubble next to Rai. Jack? Both Rai and Crow wondered in confusion when they lifted their gazes to see the incoming helicopter.

Jack's eyes too widened when his gaze met theirs. Crow...?

Jack then glanced over toward the neon flames again, his brows furrowing. "Who's that down there with Yusei?" He said aloud. "Hey, why are we stopping here? Go lower!"

"There's some kinda weird energy field down there, my instruments are going haywire!" The pilot replied.

""Energy field?" What's causing it?" Mina asked.

"I said "take us lower"!" Jack ordered.

"Jack, uh--that's probably not safe..." Carly said warily.

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