03. What is Happening to Me?

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"Just...who am I?"

None of this made sense... That man knew who Rai was, this mark on her face, and the device around her neck to "control" her powers. Rai lifted her hand, placing it against her cheek as she gazed up at her reflection, confusion clearly written all over her face. "Who the hell am I?" She asked aloud. "Am I...not from here? Is that why no one else has this mark on their face? Is that why my so-called "powers" have to be contained? Is this why I can't recall anything? I don't understand... What is really going on here? Just who am I?!" Rai asked, but she also knew she wouldn't get an answer to any of her questions. She merely lowered her gaze, clenching her cheek. "I have to finish my mission..."

The redhead reached into her pocket and pulled out the makeup bottle, staring at the object in her palm for a moment. So that's why he gave me a makeup bottle, to cover up this mark on my face... I just...wanna know how it got there, and why I'm here, and...who I really am.

Rai let out a defeated sigh, removing the cap from the makeup bottle as she dispensed some onto her fingers. The teen then took the skin colored substance and touched it to her face before beginning to rub it in. The first layer ended up not being enough to cover up her mark completely, so Rai had to put on a second before it was finally hidden. When she was confident the mark on her face was fully covered up, she put the cap back on the bottle and dropped it into her pocket again, washing her hands soon after to remove any makeup left on her fingers. Once her hands were clean and void of any traces of makeup, Rai dried her hands before walking over to the door. She tensed up for a moment, drawing in a breath to try and calm herself down. Rai then slowly pushed the door open, peering out into the empty corridor. After looking left, then right, finding the coast was clear, the redhead hastily took off, often glancing behind her to make sure she wasn't being followed by any security guard, or worse, that man, Jack. However, as Rai was running, she stumbled upon a doorway. She paused, staring at the entrance for a moment before allowing her curiosity to take hold. Rai opened the door and stepped through, but gasped upon what was displayed before her. All she saw were two dragons, one that was black and red, resembling the embodiment of roses, and the second, which was a blinding white and sparkling silver. Rai cupped her hands over her ears when the two beasts roared, gasping a bit in surprise. When the dragons had calmed down though, Rai opened her eyes to see the two duelists who were controlling the dragons, and Akiza was one of them, though she seemed to be wearing a mask on her face, the bottom half of it missing.

Akiza?! So then...that rose dragon is hers? Rai wondered. But...what about this one? She let her eyes trail over, only to see a male with jet black, spiky hair that had a few yellow streaks in it. Rai then gasped, her eyes widening. Wait... Why does he...look so familiar?

"That's it! I'm going to finish you off once and for all, Yusei!" Akiza then shouted, interrupting Rai's thought process.

"No! Akiza, stop fighting me! I'm just trying to help you!" The man who seemed to go by the name of Yusei tried to reason with her.

However, Akiza shook her head. "Stop trying to save me, Yusei! Sayer told me that with him, I won't have to think for myself, I won't have to worry about getting hurt anymore! Please, stop!"

Yusei grit his teeth. "I'll never stop trying to save you!" He retorted. "You can't let him control you like that, Akiza! You have to think for yourself, and you have to learn to accept all of your flaws! You'll never get anywhere if you keep holding onto this blinding anger! Please, just listen to me!"

"I said stop!" Akiza shouted. "You've wasted your time trying to save me, but now it's time you tried to save yourself instead!"

Yusei growled. If I can't get through to you with my words, then maybe I can reach you by finishing this duel!

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