36. The Heartache of Truth

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"Jack, I know you might not like this idea, but...I'm gonna leave you with Crow." Rai told him.

"Aw, why do I have to deal with him!?" Crow whined.

"And why do I have to be stuck with such a bumbling moron?" Jack frowned.

"But!" Rai quickly interjected. "I'm going to have him take you to Martha's so that she can look at your wounds, especially after that fall you took during your duel."

"Tch... I'm fine, Rai, I don't need to be babysat." Jack folded his arms.

"And I'm not saying that you do. I'm saying that you need to have your wounds at least looked at and patched up, and Martha can do that." Rai reasoned. "Look, you don't even have to get along with Crow. Fight, bicker, I really don't care, just let Martha patch you up at the very least. And besides...I'm sure she's missed seeing you around too."

Jack's eyes flicked down at Rai, considering how short she was compared to him, only to let out a heavy and begrudging sigh in response. "You're not going to drop the issue if I don't do as you say otherwise, am I right?"

Rai perked up, grinning. "Aw, you know me so well, Jack!" She teased.

Jack frowned, rolling his eyes. "Don't push your luck, Red." His eyes narrowed as he leaned over a bit, poking Rai's forehead. "I'm only doing this because a king like myself can't fight against these Dark Signers while not in top form."

Rai frowned this time, giving Jack a very unamused look. "Yeah, uh-huh, sure..." She brushed him off.

"I'm still not happy with this arrangement..." Crow folded his arms.

"I never said you had to be, so quit complaining already." Rai then said. "And while you two head to Martha's, I'm gonna go see if I can try to find Akiza; she's probably heading for the last tower, if she isn't already there by now."

"Fine, do what you will then. Just don't go and do anything stupid." Jack warned.

"Oh, so you mean like you or Crow?" She smirked playfully.

"Watch it..." Both Jack and Crow frowned.

"Ohh, just get outta here!" Crow shooed her away.

"Go before I change my mind." Jack said in agreement.

Rai could only laugh. "Alright, fine, fine! I'm going, geez! You big babies..." She said as she put her helmet back on, lowering the visor while mounting her runner. After revving the engine, Rai glanced back at the boys. "I'll see you guys soon, okay? And be careful out there."

"Yeah, you too, Rai." Crow nodded.

"Says the one who broke her legs saving Yusei..." Jack pointed out.

Rai frowned again. "Okay, for starters, that was like a year and a half ago, and secondly, well excuse me, princess, but so far, I've been the only person who hasn't gotten seriously injured in a shadow duel against a real Dark Signer. And that stupid shadow drone doesn't count either, because that guy was just being mind controlled, so it doesn't count."

"But doesn't that still count?" Crow wondered.

"It should." Jack placed a hand against his hip, his eyebrow quirking upward a bit.

"Well, it doesn't!" Rai snapped, huffing. "Whatever, that's not the point anyway... Look, I'm going now, so you two stay out of trouble until I see you again, I mean it." And with that, Rai revved her engine again before she sped off, Jack and Crow sharing a glance before climbing on their runners and speeding off in the opposite direction.

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