26. The Flames of Burning Hatred

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"Get outta my way!!"

Crow frowned as he was face-to-face with a new Dark Signer. He was quite tall with a large frame to him, only matched by the beast of a Duel Runner he was riding atop of. "Sorry, pal, but you're not going anywhere!" Crow declared, though it was there that he suddenly paused once he got a good look at the man's face. "Hey, wait a sec... I know you -- you're Greiger! You're the one Yusei defeated during that tournament thing, but, hang on... You mean that you're a Dark Signer too?" He asked. "If so, then what exactly is it that you want?"

"I'm looking for Yusei." The man going by the name of Greiger replied with a deep, almost raspy voice.

"Yusei, huh? Well, sorry, but you've found Crow instead, and you're not going anywhere until we turbo duel!" Crow proclaimed.

"You're challenging me?" Greiger scoffed. "Yeah right, get real... You're not a Signer."

"Listen, Greiger, Signer or not, what matters here is that you're a Dark Signer, so that means that you're gonna pay for what you've done, and the only currency I accept is bitter defeat!"

"What are you talking about? I haven't done anything?" Greiger questioned, confused.

"Don't play dumb with me! You're a giant monster, and your freaky dark fog has taken everyone from Satellite, including the orphans I was taking care of!" Crow argued, though Greiger still seemed somewhat confused. "They were just innocent kids, man, they didn't do anything to you! But I guess that's how you guys operate, huh?" Crow frowned. "Well, I think it's time someone finally put you Dark Signers in your place!"

Greiger's brow furrowed a bit as he exhaled sharply through his nose. "You speak of vengeance... I am on my own path to revenge, and it does not involve you. My fight is with Goodwin, but before I deal with him, I'm going to deal with that little puppet of his, Yusei Fudo!"

"Tch!" Crow's eyes narrowed. "Well, I'm afraid I've got some bad news for you, chump. If you wanna get to Yusei, then you're gonna have to go through me first."

"You don't get it! You're not a Signer, so you're not worthy of a battle with me." Greiger spat.

"You know, I had a feeling you jerks wouldn't accept my challenge, so I got a little insurance." Crow smirked as he held up what appeared to be some sort of timer that began counting down. "This here is a bomb, and when it goes off, well...I don't think I need to explain what comes after, now do I? Oh, and if you think you can get away in time, then you'll be in for a rude awakening when you see just how fast I can ride."

"Hmph! Well, now that's very bold of you!" Greiger commented, but regardless, he gave an amused smirked. "However, since you're so determined to destroy yourself, I guess I'll oblige you. And perhaps by dueling you, it'll lure Yusei right into my hands!" He chuckled.

"Then I guess it's settled. Follow me to a place where there'll be more space for this." Crow said as he revved his engine, Greiger following closely behind the non-Signer.

As the two rode, heading for the old highway, Crow could hear Greiger making a comment from behind him. "Just so you know, this is going to be a real shadow duel, Crow, and once we start, there's no going back. And when the final card has been played, only one of us is walking away from it."

"Tch... Yeah, trust me, I already know what's at stake here, but at this point, I've pretty much lost it all already." Crow replied in a more cold tone. "You Dark Signers took everything I had, the last remaining shred of solace left in this world that I cared about. I'm already at the point of no return, so it's not like you can take anything else away from me now..."

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