28. A Rivalry Unbound

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When the flames had finally faded away, Crow slowly came to stop, letting out a small sigh of relief. However, that moment did not last, as a sudden rumbling continued. Crow gasped when the surrounding buildings were beginning to come crashing down, glancing up just as a large boulder was coming huddling down, ready to crush the orange haired teen. "Oh no!!"

"Watch out!!"



Crow had glanced over to see who had called out to him, but before he could, something, or rather, someone had slammed into his runner, knocking Crow out of the way just in time. Crow somehow managed to screech himself to a stop, panting heavily once he was finally stationary before glancing over toward the rising smoke. "Crow! Greiger!" Yusei and Rai called as they leapt over all the rubble to reach the two of them.

Once everyone was on the other side of all the rubble, Yusei, Rai, and Crow all rushed over to Greiger, who was nearly buried by all the rubble as the left side of his helmet had been smashed through with blood trickling down his face. "Greiger, are you alright?!" Yusei asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, Y-Yusei..." Greiger uttered.

"Oh, God, you're covered in so much blood...!" Rai gasped.

"It's...fine. At least Crow is...safe..."

Crow shook his head a bit. "Why'd you do that?! Why did you risk your life for me?!"

"Because...you risked yours so that my...family and friends could return to...my homeland." He uttered weakly, though without regret.

"Greiger..." Crow clenched his jaw.

"You must continue to...fight the Dark...Signers. Just stay strong, and...save your family."

Crow gave a small, wary nod, biting down on his bottom lip. "Y-yeah! I...I will!"

"And Yusei... Thank you for...helping me see the truth... You, and this girl...have freed me from the darkness that was...gripping my heart..."

Yusei shared a glance with Rai, who placed a hand against his shoulder. "Of course..." He nodded.

"Yusei... The Signers must...stick together. It's the only way you will...defeat the darkness." Greiger said laboriously as he weakly lifted his hand, Yusei quickly grasping onto it. "Please...keep fighting, and never...give...up..." Were the last few words Greiger managed to utter as his body began to turn to ash, Yusei suddenly gasping.


"We won't let you down, I promise!" Said Crow.

Yusei clenched his jaw, exhaling sharply. "Yeah... We won't give up, not until the darkness...is defeat--ugh...!" Yusei had cut himself off when Rai's body had abruptly given out, collapsing against the raven. "Rai?! Hey, are you alright?"

She gave a small nod, slowly opening her eyes again. "Yes, I'm fine... I'm just...a little worn out is all." The redhead replied as she pushed off of Yusei to sit up again. "Come on, we have to get Crow back to Martha, especially after that crash he had endured earlier.

Crow reached over and gripped onto his side, his eyes narrowing a bit. "Y-yeah... I think I broke a couple ribs when I had crashed..."

"Come on, let's just get back to Martha's and rest for a bit." Yusei said.

The two nodded as they got to their feet, Yusei helping Rai due to how worn out she seemed. Once everyone had gotten their helmets back on and mounted their machines, they all sped off, heading back to Martha's. However, as they rode, Rai couldn't help but lag a little further behind the guys, lost in her own thoughts as she followed behind them. I won't be able to rest for very long... She noted. Yusei... Crow... You both have done so much, risked your lives in these shadow duels, and have done everything you could in order to try and protect me... Well, I think now it's my turn and show you both that I've grown. I won't act like that scared little girl I used to be when we first met. It's time that I finally prove who I've become, and do my part in this battle, and that all starts...with facing off against Kalin.

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